Chapter Seventeen ~ Who is Cindy Rose?

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Here is the next chapter!



Liz’s P.O.V

            I laughed as Julie answered a fans question. I love the interviews were we get to take questions from the fans. It’s really cool and it’s great to hear from them. I mean… they got us to where we are today and I can’t thank them enough. That why I hope this NMP is going to be a hit.

            After Dylan worked everything out, we have the whole thing established. He already set up a website, but it launches right after this interview. Basically what it is, is that Julie, Caitlin and I are going to stop wearing makeup for one month. All of our girl fans can sign an online petition to not wear makeup as well. We weren’t able to be able to set up a prize or anything, because how would we be able to tell if someone is telling the truth or not?

“Alright, so we were told that you three girls have an announcement. Care to share?” Denise, the interviewer asked.

“Yeah we do, thanks Denise. Alright so… we are announcing our NMP. You could call it the No Makeup Petition.” Julie said.

“What’s that exactly?” Denise asked.

“It’s a petition for girls to stop wearing makeup. The way society thinks that girls need to wear makeup to feel beautiful isn’t right. We want to try and set things right. That’s why we have agreed to not wear makeup for a whole month, that’s how long the petition will last for as well.” I said, explaining it to not only Denise but the audience and viewers at home.

“Wow, that’s great.” Denise said.

“Our manager Dylan has set up a website to petition. Just go onto and sign up, it’s free so you all have no excuse. So sign up now.” Caitlin said. Denise wrapped up the show after a few minutes of talking. To be honest, I never heard of this show and I don’t live that far away. Well… were I used to live… because I live in London now…

            After the live button went out Denise thanked us for being on her show. We signed a few things from the audience, and then had to leave. We have our concert tonight and we need to get to our sound check before we are late.


“Thank you everyone, I wish we could stay longer but we have to go. We love you all.” Julie said, looking out into the crowd. The backstage people were telling us through the earpiece that we had to leave now or we could get swarmed by fans. I waved to the crowd and then ran off the stage, out of breath from the show.

“That was so much fun. I can’t wait for the next show.” Julie said as Jack our body guard led us through the hallways to the bus. Unfortunately some of the fans saw us and chased us a little bit, but we made it to the bus in time.

            I immediately walked to my bunk and climbed in, exhausted. Running around a stage is so much work, I’m not even joking. But I would never complain, I’m living my dream and it’s all worth it.

“Liz… your phone is ringing. It’s Niall.” I heard Caitlin say.

“Bring it here.” I said. I heard her walking around, and then the sound of my ring tone was coming closer and closer. It was Niall’s solo in Better Than Words. I love that song and I love his solo so much.

“Here.” She said, giving me my phone. I thanked her and answered the call before it ended. Before I could say something Niall asked me how the concert went.

“It went great. Did you watch my interview this morning?” I asked, sitting up. Well I sat up the best I could in the bunk.

“Yeah I did. I think that’s great. But I told you that when you told me about it a last week. I’m really glad we’re both in America now… the times aren’t that different.” Niall said.

“Me too. It’s nice to actually be able to go to sleep at the same time. Even if we aren’t sleeping the same bed.” I said, lying down on the bed now. My neck was beginning to cramp up from the position I was in and it was getting annoying.

“Yeah I know…I miss not having you next to me. But it’s almost August and we’ll be on break. I’ll be able to meet your mom and dad. How old is your brother again?” Niall asked.

“He’s turning twenty five in December. You know… I can’t believe it. I mean when I auditioned for the X Factor he was only twenty two. I feel like I missed out on so much of his life.” I said, the smile on my face gone. I just miss Toby so much, and Kacey too. I can’t believe she’s ten. When I auditioned for the X Factor she was seven. Seven fricken years old!

“I know what you mean. That’s how I feel about my family. I can’t believe Theo is going to be a year old in July. It seemed like just yesterday he was born.” Niall said. I laughed a little and said,

“I remember when you jetted off to Ireland during the tour last year. So anyway…how’s everything in New York? Or did you leave yet?” I asked.

“We left yesterday actually. We are in Pennsylvania. I still can’t get over how many farms are here. I mean how many cows could there possibly be?” He said. I laughed and told him that I have no clue.

            We talked for a while, but I couldn’t decide to ask him what I want to or not. I mean… I don’t know if he’s going to say no or not, and I don’t want that. It’ll be embarrassing and awkward. But I mean… ugh you know what? I’m just going to say it.

“Niall?” I interrupted. He was telling me about this hat he bought the other day, something about really cool colors that matched.


“I need to ask you a question. I don’t want to sound conceded or anything, but with some of the money that I’m making I want to buy a condo or apartment in L.A. ‘Cause we have to go there a lot and stuff. Anyway… I was wondering if on the contract you’d be willing to sign in. So this way it won’t be just mine… it would be both of ours?” I asked, my voice getting quieter as I finished.

“Yeah, that would be great. I don’t mind. We are pretty serious, so why not? Besides, it won’t hurt to have a place to stay other than a hotel. When we meet up in L.A we could go looking. That’s going to be a lot of fun.” Niall said, sounding more excited then I was before. I couldn’t help but laugh as Niall went on and on about it.

            He talked about how he wants it to be big enough to have a guest room, but small enough so that it would be romantic when we stay there. Don’t even ask me. Anyway… he kept going on and on but I have to admit it was insanely adorable. He was interrupted by a voice. Normally I wouldn’t be surprised, since he’s on a tour bus, but it was whose voice that is what surprised me. I didn’t recognize the voice, all I know it that it was a girl’s.

“Oh okay, I’ll be there in a minute. I have to go love, I’m going out with the boys and our new opening act. Her names Cindy Rose and she’s a great singer. Nothing compared to you though. Anyway… I need to get going. I love you Liz, and I’m counting down the days till I get to see you.” Niall said.

“Alright, have fun. I love you too.” I said. He said goodbye once more and then hung up. I set my phone aside with one burning question inside my head.

            Who is Cindy Rose?”


Okay, there’s the chapter. Kind of a cliff hanger, but kind of not. Haha, anyway so… there wasn’t as many comments as I was hoping for… so I’m done with that.

Anyway not much to say… but Christmas is coming soon, yay!

I have to go on a treadmill now…so I must go…

Please VOTE and COMMENT my lil’ Gummy Worms!


Brave ~ Sequel to Jay Cee ElDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora