Chapter Nineteen ~ Opening Act

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Here is the next chapter!



Caitlin’s P.O.V

            I opened my mouth in shock, staring at the phone in front of me. It was on speaker and Dylan was on the phone. He had to fly down to L.A. to work out a few things, and is on his way up now. After our show in New Hampshire two nights ago we went to Maine, and right now we’re sitting in Liz’s room. Thank god her parents live close to the arena, I’m so sick of hotels. Plus… I’m dying for a home cooked meal.

            Anyway, the reason why I’m shocked is what Dylan said. He was talking about how we need an opening act, and he finally found us one. Take about weeks late. In Europe we had some European singer, but when we got to America there was no one yet. But now we had one… and I’m not happy about it.

“You remember them, right? You were on the X Factor with them?” Dylan said after a moment of silence. I can’t believe One Step is our opening act.

“Yeah, of course. That’s great, let us now when they’ll be here.” Julie said, taking control in this situation. I really can’t believe it.

“Alright, I need to go. I’ll talk to you guys later.” Dylan said before hanging up. Liz pressed end call and then looked at me.

            After not seeing them for almost two years, I’m going to be seeing them soon. We’ll be on the road together. We’ll be spending so much time together. I mean… I’m excited to see Josh, Beck, and Sam but I mean… Marty. He broke my heart and now… God… I don’t even know what to think.

            I guess for the sake of the bands, I’ll have to get along with him. I mean… I’m over him completely but… I don’t know. I guess this is going to be hard. I’m just glad we won’t be sharing the same bus like we did with One Direction. I’m guessing that Marty didn’t want to share a bus with us. Well maybe four guys and four girls won’t mix well. But then again we shared it with One Direction. You know what, I’m just going to stop thinking about this.

“You okay?” Liz asked, putting her hand on my shoulder. I nodded and stood up from Liz’s bed.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine. I’ll just talk with Marty and we’ll talk things through. We need to go, and don’t forget if we get seen by fans around here it’ll be hell.” I reminded them.

            We all left Liz’s room and down to her kitchen, where her parents and siblings were pretty much finished getting ready. Kacey ran up to me and I picked them same girl up. I still can’t believe she’s gotten so big. Well…since the last time I saw her. I mean she’s ten but looks like she should be about seven still. She’s super tiny, something she gets from Mrs. Johnston. As well as Liz, but Toby gets his height from Mr. Johnston.

“Alright, Kim is here. Let’s go.” Toby said, opening the front door to let his girlfriend in. Apparently they’ve been dating for quite a while. I think actually two years ago, which makes since because I first meet her two years ago.

            After exchanging a few hellos we went to Liz’s moms car. I sat in the back with the girls, and Kacey sat on Liz’s lap. I can’t imagine what it must be like to have your only sister ripped away from you. I mean… Liz only sees Kacey once or twice a year. That’s got to be hard for Kacey, and Toby most miss his baby sister. I’m glad I don’t have any siblings.

            It didn’t take long for us to get to the arena, and soon enough we were being led to the dressing room, Liz’s family following behind us. They get to see us in the dressing room, and they get to meet Ben and Gale. Yay!

“Alright guys, c’mon in this way.” Liz said, opening the door. I laughed and followed her in, the family behind us. Ben and Gale were really excited to meet Liz’ family, and as we were getting our outfits ready they let Kacey pick out some clothes. It was kind of cute, I think that she thought she was some sort of fashion designer. She’s really something else. In a good way.


“Did you guys like it?” Liz asked, walking up to her parent. Julie and I were trailing along behind her, to give them a little bit of privacy. I couldn’t help but notice that Kacey’s face was red from dancing, along with Kim, Toby and her parents. Her mom was in tears though, saying something about how proud she was of her. It was kind of cute actually.

“I’m so proud of you, of all of you. I have four daughters, not two. Come here you two.” Mrs. Johnston said, waving us over. I laughed and walked over, giving her a hug. She’s kind of like the mom I always wanted, I mean my real mom sucks but my step mom is a lot better. Liz was about to say something, but her phone rang and she picked it up.

“I’ll be right back, it’s Niall. Hey baby, I missed you.” She said, walking off. I rolled my eyes at the adorableness of Niz.

“Niall, that’s her boyfriend, right? How long have they been dating?” Mr. Johnston asked.

“Uh… it’ll be two years in December.” Julie said.

“I can’t wait to meet him.” Her mom said, looking at Liz, who was blushing into her phone. No doubt Niall said something cute to her.

“You’re going to love him. He loves Liz more than he loves himself, trust me… they’re going to get married some day.”


Okay, short chapter, but important! You'll see why ;)

Please vote and comment my lovely Gummy Worms!


--The picture on the side is their outfits. I know I didn't describe it, but there it is!

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