Chapter Forty ~ Do I?

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Here is the next chapter!



Julie's P.O.V

" 'Bye Julie, I'll see you in a little while." Caitlin said, walking towards the door. I waved her off and turned my attention back to the TV.

                I can't wait till we get back out on the road. We've been in Utah for almost three days now, and we'll be leaving on Wednesday night, after the concert. I can't wait till we leave though. Starting on Wednesday we only have about six days left of the American tour. Then we have the two weeks break, TCA's, and then finally the Australian tour.

                I'm really excited about that. I've always loved Australia. Especially after the Take Me Home tour. It was really cool and just a lot of fun. I can't wait for it, it's going to be so much fun. I've always loved their accents so it's always so much fun.

                I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard m phone ringing. Oh God, now I have to get up. It was still ringing by the time I got to it. I smiled when I saw the contact name. I picked up my phone and answered the call.

"Hey Harry, what's up?" I asked, walking back over to the couch and sitting down.

"Hi Julies, nothing much. Everybody's out except me, I didn't feel like going out. I thought I'd call my favorite girl in the whole world." Harry said. I could just see him smiling that cheeky smile that I love so much. That I loved. I don't love him anymore.

"I'm sure Gemma or your mother are at a higher rank that me. But nice try." I said, laughing. After everything Harry and I went through it still feels great talking to him.

                I feel like myself when I'm with him. I feel like the inner giggling, cackling side of me comes out and it's great. I still had my tough guy attitude up around him, but it wasn't as much as when I'm around other people.

"Well you are definitely make the top five. So how are you doing?" Harry asked.

"I've been good. I'm really excited about going to Australia. Did Liz tell you?" I asked, putting my feet up on the coffee table and leaning back. If this phone call goes as long as I think it will, I might as well get a little comfortable.

                I'm pretty sure he knows about Australia though. Liz is with Niall and Liz tells Niall everything, so the odds that Harry knows are pretty high. Plus Niall can't shut up about Liz, so he's probably talking about how great it's going to be.

"Yeah she did. I'm really happy for you. I remember when we were able to go to Australia for the first time. It's amazing, but you've already been there." Harry said. I laughed and nodded, then realizing that he couldn't see me.

"Yeah, I have. I'm really excited about it. Hey, I've been meaning to ask you this but never really got the chance to. How is Louis? I know he kind of liked Caitlin, but now that she's been dating Marty again. I don't want to be nosey, I just want to make sure he's fine." I said.

                I really was worried about Louis. He's one of my best friends and I just want to make sure he's alright. I know how much, and how long, he's liked Caitlin and to have her keep going after another guy must be really horrible. I know they've been on two dates, and Louis should have told Caitlin that he wanted her as a girlfriend. But I mean, he's just a guy that likes a girl. Does he still like her? I haven't seen him in such a long time, not since New York so I wouldn't know.

"Uh, I'm not sure." Harry said, snapping me out of my thoughts, "I mean he hasn't said anything about it, which is weird because he's normally not so closed off. He's still joking around and everything, but he's closed off. He still likes her, I think he's just hurt." Harry said.

"Aw, I feel so bad for him." I said, playing with the hem of my jeans.

"Me too."


"You did not." Harry said, laughing from the other end of the line.

                We've been on the phone for almost an hour with Harry. We've been fooling around and just talking for the whole time. It was so nice just talking to him. I know he hurt me, he hurt me badly, but I want to move on from all that. Besides, I do know that he's sorry for what he did. I'm not saying that I'm going to be getting back together with him, but we could at least be friends.

"Yeah, I don't know why I did. I was just a five year old girl on a sugar rush." I said, laughing at the end.

                I was telling him about the time when I had thrown a slice of cake at my mother at my birthday party. I don't remember that day at all, but I've seen the videos countless times.

"That must have been so funny. Shit, I need to go. I'll call you later Julie." Harry said. I was disappointed that he had to go. I wanted to keep talking to him.

"That's fine, I'll talk to you soon. Bye Harry." I said before hanging up.

                I tossed the phone onto my lap. I'm pathetic. I really am. Here I am, talking and laughing with my ex boyfriend. The worst part is that we broke up because he wanted to 'sleep around'. Well that's what he had said in the beginning. But now, thinking back... he told me that it was all a lie. Do I believe him? I think I do. I mean, if it wasn't true he wouldn't be calling me up. He wouldn't want to talk to me.

                But to be honest, I do like talking to him. I know I said it before, but it's really nice talking to him again. Sometimes I wish what happened never happened between us. Sometimes I wish that we were still together. Wait, what?

                I can't wish we were still together. I don't like him anymore. Do I?


There's the chapter. I hope you all liked it. I thought you all deserved a Jarry moment there. So tell me, who ships Jarry? Who ships Niz? Who ships Laitlin? Who ships Namanda? Haha, sorry had to throw that one in.

Anyway, not much else to say. Oh, JCL has hit 17K and I just want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who's reading it and this book. I love you all!

~Amanda<3 xXx

--The picture on the side is a gif of Harry. Isn't he so cute? I just lov him so much! Haha, Byee!!

Brave ~ Sequel to Jay Cee ElOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora