A Normal Day (RW)

Start from the beginning

Swinging a little closer I see who they're fighting..

Some kind of wizard that has black greasy hair..& is wearing mostly first green, & black. Loki. I'm surprised. I had thought he had gotten locked up after what he did when he first showed up? Why isn't he locked up actually?Anyway I noticed that one of them were on the ground. Black Widow. She'll be blasted off the battlefield if she doesn't get up! Me being me, I swung in the battle, & covered Black Widow. Using my back to take the damage.

Oo! Oh ow! That feels like fire!

Grabbing her around the waste I quickly jump over ruble, & cars to put her down on the sidewalk a little ways away from the battle. The others already being pushed back over here.

They were in shock when they noticed me attending to some of Black Widow's wounds Hawkeye being the closest to me slightly watching, but paying attention to the battle at hand.

Some stare in wonder, but they quickly snap out of it when another blast came into to play. Looking around I see that Iron-Man had used his repluser to shoot at Loki again sighting praising his shoulder

Then Thor came in smacking Loki with his hammer, & shooting lightning at him as well. I point my web-shooter at Loki, & shot a lot of it out to tie him up. It held him in place for a minute, but the others had gotten some hits in.

Though after snapping them like a stick, he points a staff. That I had just noticed at Captain America, & blasts him knocking the Captain back almost crashing into another building, but I had swung in to grab him, & stopped us at least a couple feet away..

Black Widow had thrown something at Loki, & it was shocking him. I decided to do the same thing, & starting shooting Loki with my Eletricweb-shooters.

Loki drops his staff in pain, & I quickly shoot a web at it, & quickly pull it back towards me.

I seeing Hawkeye shooting a couple of eletric-arrows at Loki, Captain throws his shield at his head knocking him out. A battle won, & a new prize at that! Wow! It's some cool looking! It's like a giant wand! Well it is, but its called a staff for a reason. Heh heh..

Looking over the staff a loud booming voice breaks up my train of thoughts.

"Hello there! Who may you be fellow warrior?" The loud booming voice belonging to Thor asks. Flinching I look up surprised."Ah the quiet one I see? Well I'm Thor young one! Thor king of Asgard, & God of Thunder! & These are my companions!" he motioned his hand towards everyone.

They don't do anything, but keeping an eye on me. They probably don't even trusting me. Wait do they even know me? Anyway seeing as how none of them are waving, not talking I just wave in reply then face back towards Thor completely forgetting that the others were there.

"Well young one. Do you think I may have that staff back? It's very important to me." He asks with an honest face. Almost handing him the staff, I notice a gem on the staff it's blue, & green mixes with flex of yellow, & swirls of purple. Its, so...ugly.

Like I mean it's a cool stick, so...

I grab the gem, & pull it out of the staff feeling something powerful run threw me.

All of the Avenger's get into a fighting stance before I let my hand out.

Watching Thor stick his hand out hopefully, but grilling his hammer just in case. I drop the gem in his hands. & look over the stuck shooting a web out to a light pole, & climbing into of it now playing with the stick.

"Hey! Get back here!" I hear Hawkeye yell.

Good thing I know sign-language! I did some hand motions towards everyone only getting a few faces that understood. Then with the stick I swung off to my apartment.


We watched as this guy swings off with the staff.

"Do we need to get that staff back Thor?" I hear Clint ask. Thor turns around to face everyone." No Eye of Hawk. Tus the staff be, but a mere stick. Its of no use." Thor says walking over to Loki, & grabbing his arm. After stuffing the stone into a pocket somewhere on him.

"Yea well anyone catch wind of what that guy did? I get it's sign language, but what did he uh..say?" I ask turning towards the group while pulling out a small private screen in my arm to call one of the Quinjets." Yea Ironass, I know what he was saying."Clint says walking towards everyone." Same here, but my memories a bit fuzzy." Steve says looking at where that guy swung off. His face showing how he's confused on how it even happened that the guys swings off.

"He was saying. He wanted to keep the stick for things, & said he'd be around later to help clean up if needed." Clint explained. Everyone nodded.

"Alright, but how come he wasn't talking? To be honest, I've seen this guy on the news a lot a couple years back before he started showing up less. If I remember correctly, he hasn't spoken a word since things started dying down for em. It's like he's a complete, & utter mute..strange." I question explaining my thoughts while pacing around as we began heading towards the jet.

"Your right about that Tony. But we can't be too sure. Plus we'd have to come back as well to help clean the city. Then we have a meeting with Fury later around 7." Bruce says opening the jet for everyone having already watched the battle through Ironmans viser.

"Alright, but when he comes back don't suspect me to not test out those things he shoots webs out of..or are those even webs in the first place?" I question. Steve rolled his eyes.

"You can't just rest someone's things out without asking Tones. Plus you may never know if he booby traps those things." Steve explains.

I shake my head."Who said I was gonna force em'? I only meant was that I'd test him. Without his will." I say trying to mess with him.

"That's basically what I said for you not to do Tony." Steve said crossing his arms."Aw don't worry about it Capsicle! I've got this covered! & plus he's a good field, small for someone as good as him, but hey beggars can't be choosers!" I say with a smirk as we enter the Avengers Tower. Once off Thor fares us his goodbyes, & leaves.

"What ever you say Tony. Whatever you say." Clint says as we head into the building continuing on with our separate lives before dinner.

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