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Thor pov

Perseus and the girl run out of the room when Banner says that they need a check up. Captain follows them.

I wonder what could be causing them to panic like that. I know demigods have scars but they couldn't be that bad. Right?

The news of the last war hasn't gotten to Asgard, so I have no idea what is going on.

I follow the captain and Loki follows me. The captain ends up catching up to them.

He picked up Perseus and is trying to get the girl. Perseus is laughing.

The captain finally manages to get them both and carries them back.

He sets them on the couch and sits down.  They both glare at him and he shrinks down in fear.

Both of their glares are worse then Fury's. And that is saying something.

They agree to the check up only if Bruce, Loki, and I are the only ones there.

Everyone else nods their heads. Not very happy because they were told not to go. Tony.

They jump down and follow Bruce. We follow them.

We get to the lab and the doors are closed and the cameras are turned off.

Bruce starts asking questions.

"What are your names?" Bruce asked.

"My name is Percy Jackson and that is Ellie Choler." Perseus says pointing to his friend.

"Are you diagnosed with anything?" Bruce asks.

"I have HDHD and dyslexia. Ellie has HDHD, Panic disorder and Hyperventilation syndrome." Perseus answers again.

Bruce nods his head and says,
"Have you ever been poisoned?"

"Does this include food poisoning?" Perseus asks.

"No." Bruce answers.

"For both of us... Too many to count." Perseus answers.

I was expecting that. Being a half blood doesn't mean that you get out of things unscathed.

Bruce just stared at them. After he was shaken out of his mind he asked,"Now I need you both to take your shirts off."

They both freeze and look at each other. Then Perseus says, "Fine I'll go first. But you owe me."

Ellie just shakes her head in amusement.  

Perseus sighs and takes of his shirt.

I don't know what I was expecting but is wasn't that.

His whole back and chest were littered in scars, slashes, and burn marks. Whip marks were still pink. I almost threw up at that.

Then he puts his shirt back on and says,"Now it is your turn Ellie.

I look at her as she takes he jacket. You can see scars on her arms. She move her hair out of her face. She has a scar that starts at her left eye, goes down her face, and across her neck. In if that isn't enough she takes her shirt off.

If it is even possible she has more scars then him on her back and chest. She puts her shirt on and her jacket. She puts her hair back down to where is was.

As we were walking back Loki asks the question I was wondering. He says,"That scar on your neck, it doesn't let you speek does it?"

She nods her head. Then Loki says,"Perseus and Thor go back with the others. Ellie come with me."

I look at Loki weirdly and feel a twinge of jealousy. She nods and puts her hand on Perseus's shoulder as comfort. Then she follows Loki.

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