Family Disputes

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Ingrid's POV
After what seemed like forever on the battle field, I realized I'd lost sight of Aaron. I growled in annoyance and fought my way to the other side of the clearing. Sheathing my sword, I sprinted through the pine forest, toward the chateau. Aaron didn't care about his own family, so I knew there was no way he'd care about the men fighting for him. The chateau was run down, nearly in ruins, but it was a good hiding place, one where Aaron knew he could level the playing field. I shuddered as I passed through the stone archway that lead to the entrance.
The wooden door was worn and its rusty iron hinges creaked and groaned in protest as I pushed it open. The corridors inside were just as cold as it was outside, wind chilling the rooms by seeping through broken and cracked windows. A layer of dust coated everything and rats and spiders had long since claimed this forsaken place as their home. Still, I knew I was not alone here. Snowy foot prints lead in from the door, continuing on until the snow had been knocked off of his boots.

I unsheathed my sword and held my shield in front of my torso in defense. If Aaron decided to ambush me again, I wanted to be ready. I knew he wouldn't hesitate to kill me this time. And this time...only one of us would leave alive. Anna's POV Elsai, looking determined to find Ingrid was about to ride straight into the battle. "No, Elsai. Don't even think about it. We'll never find her out here." I sighed. "We have to try!" He shot me a glare, and kicked his horse's flank. Kristoff reached over and seized its icy mane before it could take off, stopping it in its tracks and making it rear up. "Kristoff, Let. Go." "No, Anna's right. We need to be smart about this. Ingrid is a clever woman. A scorned and hurt one at that. She's not going to risk her life and time here. She'd go straight after Aaron." "Then where do you propose we start? They could be anywhere." "Somewhere they wouldn't be affected by the battle here. There's too much chaos." I bit my lip in thought. "No kidding." A voice came from nearby. "Hans! Have you seen Ingrid?" I asked. His armor was dented, dirty and covered in blood, but I'd never been happier to see him. "Not for a while now. Where ever she is, she left the bear." "Bear?" Elsai asked. "Yeah. Apparently she considers that thing a pet." Hans rolled his eyes. "But more importantly, what are you doing here?" "Ingrid's hurt. We came to find her." Elsai looked at him for the first time without scorn. All I could see in his was worry. "And we will. The plan was to get to the chateau right? That's where she would go." "Then we'll look there first." I shrugged, turning my horse toward the battle. "Not that way! Are you crazy? You'd get yourself killed!" Hans swung himself up behind Elsai." Go around. But be careful. I don't know just how far out the battle has spread out.'"Ingrid's POV I slowly made my way toward the great hall. I could hear the crackling of a fire and had followed the sound. Adrenaline pumped through my veins the closer I got, my heart beat getting faster. I moved to the entrance and slipped in quietly. All of the furniture had been pushed against the walls and dust floated in the air. Aaron stood, with this back to me facing the fire. His sword from the crest hung against his side and a shield with the same emblem as the banners etched into it was propped up against the mantle. I silently crept toward him, my sword feeling heavy in my hand. I wanted this to be over quickly and if that meant playing be it. When I was within killing distance, he still hadn't turned to face me. I raised the sword, silently apologizing. I closed my eyes and brought it down only to have my wrist caught at the last moment. I opened my eyes to see Aaron sneering at me. "First rule of combat: never talk your eyes off of your opponent." "Forgive me if I'm not fond of killing family." I glared. He looked from me to the sword. "You've grown into a beautiful woman like Miranda...however...I have never see you look more like Landon than you do right now. And I will not lose to my brother's sword again." He ripped my sword from my grasp and threw it across the room. I raised my shield just in time for him to take a kick at my abdomen. I was protected from the blow but was sent sprawling back from the force. He unsheathed his sword and came at me again. Each blow against my shield sent me back farther until I was pressed against the wall. I used my powers to make a wall of ice to push him back toward the fireplace like Elsai and I had in the ice palace before being captured by Hans. "You cheated." He claimed, picking up his shield. "No I'm using my resources." I said before shooting more ice at his feet, keeping him held in place. I ran toward my sword, each sound of cracking encouraging me to go faster. I was almost there when I heard the sound of metal on stone and was knocked off of my feet, tripped up by Aaron's shield, one edge covered in ice from him using it to break free. I rolled to avoid injuring myself further to see him above me. He kicked my shield out of my grasp and flipped his sword, catching it again. "And now...For the beginning of a new era." He said, a sadistic grin on his face. "Say hello to my brother for me when you get to Hell." "NO!" a shout was heard and a small boot hit the side of Aaron's head, stunning him. "Guys! I found them!" We both turned to see Anna there breathing heavily, wearing only one boot, in the middle of the room. Elsai, Hans and Kristoff ran in, much to my dismay. This is exactly what I'd wanted to avoid. I looked up at Aaron to see a strange look on his face, his eyes not leaving Anna. "Sarah..." he whispered. As if I wasn't there at all, he seemed to have forgotten about me, stalking toward Anna with a crazed look in his eyes. Anna stood there like a frightened doe. Eyes wide, frozen. Aaron let at a yell and ran toward her, sword poised to kill. "ANNA!" I screamed, scrambling to get my sword to protect her, but Hans beat me to it. He blocked Aarons path. His sword wasn't as finely crafted as ours and it didn't do much but only to slow Aaron down. Aaron disarmed him quickly and hit Hans, disorienting him long enough to drive his blade through his torso. Anna screamed as Aaron retrieved his sword and Hans slumped to the floor, blood spilling out of his pierced armor and gurgling out of his mouth and onto the floor. "One less traitor in the world." Aaron scowled down at Hans and walked toward the fire place. I crawled toward Hans and looked down at his dying form. He was losing both consciousness and blood fast and there was no way we'd get him to help in time. In addition, to the sword wound, the indented metal of his chest plate that the sword had pierced was also cutting into his skin causing him more pain. "Hans..." I whispered, his green eyes looking up at me as Elsai ran up to us and Kristoff ran to comfort Anna who was a sobbing mess. "Ingrid..." He coughed, his skin looking ashen from blood loss, "I'm sorry...I failed." "Shh... protected Anna." I reassured him, feeling Elsai's hand on my shoulder as he knelt beside me. Hans and Elsai exchanged a look that assured me that even though it was a little late, Elsai was thankful to have him here though he'd never admit it aloud. Hans looked back to me, reach up, gently grabbing a lock of my hair and rubbing it softly. "Ingrid...I'd hate to ask this of an angel...but k...kill that bastard." I nodded, tears pricking at my eyes. Hans let out a shaky breath and his eyes rolled to the back of his head closing. His hand fell from my hair, leaving the white stained with the red of his own blood. I tightened my hands into fists and looked away. Just when he was becoming a part of our little family... "Are you ok?" He pulled me to him, Hans's blood smearing on his shirt, though he ether didn't notice or didn't care at the moment. I nodded and stood, pulling away. "Kristoff...Get Anna out of here." I ordered, helping Elsai up. "But what about you guys?" He asked, picking up Anna who was sobbing and shivering uncontrollably. "This is a family matter. Take Anna and go home." My eyes flashed coldly when he hesitated, "NOW!" Kristoff flinched and carried Anna out of the room, stopping before leaving the doorway, "Good luck." And with that he took my sister-in-law away from the danger out our family dispute. "Elsai, my sword and shield." I said turning to him. He nodded, not saying a word. If the situation hadn't been so dire, I could have drowned in his cerulean eyes. He pressed his lips against mine in a chaste kiss and sprinted to the other side of the room where my weapons lay on the floor. I smiled softly at him, but then I heard a sizzling sound coming from behind me. I turned to catch a blade between my hands glowing red from being heated up I the fireplace. I grimaced, holding in a cry of pain as my palms burned, using my powers to cool the sword and my hands as much as I could. Steam raising up from the hot metal from my ice growing on the blade. I let out a shaky breath, glaring at my uncle. I willed the ice to grow faster in spite of the heat. It chilled the blade and shot down the sword to the hilt, making the metal of Aaron's gauntlets frost over. He dropped the sword in disgust and surprise. I formed an ice spike in my hand and, aiming for a gap in his armor, drove it through though his shoulder. The spike turned red and he growled in rage. Before he could do anything however I let go of the spike and slammed my shoulder into his chest plate, sending him back and the spike further into his shoulder. "That's for trying to hurt Anna. That's for Hans." I snarled punching him in the jaw. "And this...Is for me and the rest of my family."
With that I held out my hands, ice shards flying out of my fingertips, slicing the sides of his face and ears. I wasn't done with him. I raised a leg and kicked him back. Forming another spike, I held it up to his throat, a strong contrast to him holding his shoulder, his breathing ragged.
"Please..." He shuddered, "Ingrid.... Sweet little Ingrid..."
"Please? PLEASE!?" I repeated in rage. Now disarmed and wounded he wanted mercy?! "Why should I? What can you give me? What can you do for me?!"
"Anything you ask..."
I leaned in and sneered, "I want my baby back, you son of a bitch."
I was about to take my revenge when my father's sword was thrust into his back, the blade protruding through his abdomen. Aaron's eyes were wide in horror, his mouth gapping open.
"And this is for me. And your great nephew." Elsai whispered into his ear from behind, removing the sword. Aaron dropped to his knees shaking, and holding his would, looking up at my husband as if he were Death itself, "You wanted a monster? You got one. But it sure as Hell isn't my wife."
Swinging the sword down, Elsai decapitated him, Aaron's head falling to the floor, his body following soon after. My eyes flickered from Aaron's corpse to Elsai. He was staring down at the body, unmoving. I stepped over Aaron and wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my forehead against his shoulder. He dropped the bloody sword and held me close.
"We need to get out of here." I sighed and he rubbed my back in comfort. He nodded and touched my cheek, softly.
"I'm sorry about that...but he had no right to beg for mercy from you after all he's done."
I chuckled softly, "I love you."
"I love you too, Ingrid." He smiled.
I leaned up and kissed him, before reaching down and picking up my father's sword. I sheathed it and walked over to Aaron's cooled now, and covered in ice. I picked it up, and then Elsai and I walked out of the chateau, hand in hand.

A/N: Well I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Were you expecting THAT to happen? I went over how I wanted this to go a thousand times in my head and actually chose something completely different but it ended up like this. By the way, can anyone spot the Princess Bride reference?

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