Preparing for War

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When the men I'd sent for finally arrived, I was surprised at their numbers. They'd set up camp outside of the village and I tried to keep my emotions in check so they wouldn't freeze to death. It seemed like more people liked me than I'd originally thought...or at least liked me more than Aaron. Between my people, Pierre's reinforcements, the ice guards, the few men Hans could provide, and Marshmallow, we had well over 4,000. Some women had also made the journey to help around the cam as cooks, nurses, and moral boosters. I just hoped it would be enough.
I walked through the camp, the hem of my silver gown brushing the snow covered ground, Elsai and Kristoff, who had a black eye curtesy of my husband, at my side. Anna was back at the castle, trying to teach some of the maids how to take care of Amora. The men parted as we walked passed by, some nodding in acknowledgement, others bowing in respect. They all had a job to do. Sharpening weapons, polishing armor, tending horses...No one was slacking off.
We got to the main tent in the middle of the camp. Inside were my "Generals". Pierre had brought two considering he was a diplomat, not a soldier. I'd been surprised that he'd come himself, but I was thankful. he was mainly here to help negotiate afterwards. Hans was with them as well as a bounty hunter from one of Arram's bigger cities. Then there was Elsai, Kristoff, and myself. They were looking at a map of Arram when we arrived.
"Ah, la belle reign."Pierre greeted me with a smile, "It is good to see you again."
"Yes." I smirked, "I just wish it was under different circumstances."
"So...Prince Hans..." Elsai put his hand on my shoulder, "Where do you think Aaron will be coming from?"
"It's hard to say. With the rocky southern coast line, they'd have to come from the east or west por risk getting stuck in the ice to the north.."
"But there's also no guarantee that they 'aven't left already. They could be closin' in on us as we speak and we wouldn't know." The bounty hunter piped in. "This is a very mountainous country. Lots of caves an' crevasses to hide in. You didn't really think that Haus Des Teufels was dug out?"
"He's right. It was a labyrinth of caverns and tunnels that we mapped out and renovated. But he wouldn't risk going up into the mountains. It' treacherous, steep, and cold. Impossible it get an army through. He'd lose too many." I pointed to the mountains.
"Not that he'd care if they died.."Kristoff muttered.
"Even the most cold hearted men need soldiers to win a battle," One of Pierre's generals said. An older fellow, unlike his partner.
"Very true, "Hans nodded. "Without help, Aaron wouldn't have anyone to back him up. He wouldn't last long alone."
"He'd want to be somewhere familiar...Where the odds would be in his favor..." Elsai scanned the map.
I thought silently for a moment. Before my father died, he'd tell me stories of when he and Aaron were little...Perhaps...?
"My grandparents, Aaron, my aunt, and my father used to go to their chateau every this general area." I waved my hand over the middle of the map. "No one's been there in years. It would be a good base of operations when they get here. It's on a hill and surrounded by a forest."
" They'd 'ave the high ground there." The bounty hunter sid.
"We can't give them that advantage." I glared down at the map. "If we were to get there first, we'd be in an unfamiliar area but they couldn't use the chateau."
"Are you willing to take that chance, Your Majesty?" the young general asked.
"What choice do we have?" I looked at them seriously. "Prepare for war. We move out tomorrow."
With that I left the tent, the men watching my exit. I slipped through the tents and soldiers until I came to the village. Creating a cloak of ice, I covered my head with the hood and moved through the village, stopping at the apothecary's. I opened the door, making a small bell above it chime. The apothecary came out from the back room and looked at me strangely.
"An' 'ow can I 'elp such a lovely lady? Hmm?"
I let the cloak melt away and his eyes widened. standing there with my hands clasped in front of me.
"Why, Yer Majesty! What brings your to my 'umble shop?"
I look a bag of coins from a small pocket in my gown and dropped it on the counter, the coins spilling out. "I need a 'favor'. No questions asked. And no one. Needs to know of my being here."
The apothecary smirked and bowed unceremoniously. "Of course, Yer Majesty."

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