Home Again

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A few hours later, when we reached port, the docks and town were completely silent. The people watched motionlessly as I carried Amora and Elsai carried me (Despite my protests) to the carriage. He'd insisted that I wasn't strong enough to walk yet. The people had obviously heard of my capture and I had no doubt that there had been many rumors about it in my absence. Elsai set me down gently in the carriage before Hans closed the door and sat down across from us.
This time, as we rode though the towns, villages, and cities, nothing was thrown. Nothing was shouted. Everyone we passed simply stopped to watch us go by in silence. When we reached the palace, Anna, Kristoff, and Olaf ran out to greet us. I could see the tears in Anna's eyes as I got out of the carriage. I made sure to go first so Elsai wouldn't have time to pick me up.
"Oh...Ingrid!" Anna cried and hugged me tightly, not noticing Amora, "Are you okay? When Hans' letter arrived...we feared the worst!"
"Careful, Anna!" I scolded her, "Don't crush your niece."
Her eyes widened and she looked down at Amora, "Oh...She's adorable..."
"Thank you." I smiled slightly, "So, Kristoff, have I missed anything....Life changing?"
He blushed and stammered, "W...We've been really worried about you. Most of Arram has too."
"Really?" I arched an eyebrow in disbelief.
"He's right." Elsai sighed crossing his arms. "Apparently the people can say anything they want about you, but God forbid someone try to overthrow you or they get all riled up."
"Wow..." I blushed. Maybe they didn't completely hate me...
"So this is Arram."Hans whistled, getting out of the carriage." A little frigid, but beautiful. Much like it's Queen."
Anna growled and handed Amora to Olaf. The little snowman staggered a bit, much to my concern, but managed to regain his balance. Kristoff didn't look happy either, but at least he kept his complaints to himself.
"Before you say anything, he's here to help and knows that a fate worse than death awaits him if he betrays us." I held my hands up in defense.
"He shouldn't be anywhere near us or you! And especially not around the baby." Said Kristoff stiffly.
"It's not like I'd leave Amora alone with him!...Er....No offence, Hans...." I winced.
"None taken," He shrugged, "I probably deserve it."
"'P...Probably?!' Anna sputtered," You DO deserve it, and more! You tried to kill us!"
Amora began to cry in distress at the anger and hate in Anna's voice. It broke my heart seeing the little tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Oh....Shh....Shh...."I cooed, taking her from Olaf," Don't cry, my little snowflake. Please don't cry."
I gently rocked her and let her grab my index finger. Her tiny hand barely fit around it but her grip was strong for such a young infant and it to calm her down enough to stop her crying. Her big blue eyes opened, glassy from crying. They were paler than the sky and held curiosity and wonder that I knew would stay with her for all of her life.
"Ingrid...We love you, and we have your back in this...but keep him far away from me." Anna seethed.
I nodded and sighed in understanding. Hans had broken her heart, trust, and had attempted to do some horrible things. I didn't blame her for hating him. If he hadn't helped us as much as he had so far, I probably still would too.
"Hans, we'll discuss what to do about Aaron later. In the mean time..." I snapped my fingers and a guard appeared, ready to serve, "Take Prince Hans to a guest room in a different wing than Kristoff and Princess Anna's. See to it that he is comfortable before sending for the village carpenter and monumental mason."
"Yes, Your Majesty." He bowed and lead our guest away.

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