Chapter 37 🔥 The Angelicum

Start from the beginning

"With the Scale intact again, then the Angelicum army will be sucked back into their realm. With the Scale intact, the Angelicum will not be able to meddle with the affairs of the Realms again." Pearl finishes everything. The realisation hits her hard. She doesn't even know how heavy the burdens Venus has to carry from then on. A burden that was imposed on her since birth. She turns her gaze to Venus, her eyes full of compassion, regret and sympathy. It was all because of them. It's supposed to be their responsibility.

"Now, you understand." Hadraniel tells her with understanding then he turns to Venus, Amelia and Daphne. He raises his right hand, his palm facing them with fingers spread wide. The crystal embed on his palm glows and emits a rainbow light encircling the three women. They descent slowly and when their feet touch the sand, their eyes fluttered open.

"Haahh!" The three of them gasped at the same time. The Amulet was now hanging on Venus' neck. A white chord-like string were laced on their hands. It was connected to the three of them then it disappeared to the naked eyes.

"Venuscha." Hadraniel called out to the disoriented woman. She looked at his way and her eyes bulged in surprise to see him.

"Uncle!" Venus wasted no time and ran towards him and hugs him for the first time. She wanted to do this for a very long time. Amelia and Daphne on the other hand both ran to Rufus and Agnus respectively for a warm embrace too. Adrik and Pearl just watched with a smile etched on their faces.

Unfortunately the happy reunion didn't last long, "Pearl!" A voice from the sea called out with desperation.

Scalia was crawling towards them followed by a handful of Mermadian and Sirenian. They all looked battered and tired.

"What happened?" Pearl asked worriedly as she held Scalia in her arms who was slumped helplessly at her.

"The Kingdoms have fallen. Both Sirenia and Mermadia. They destroyed the Cliff dive entrance. Without the Amulet, it didn't hold long. I don't know where to bring my people now." Scalia told her while sobbing.

"Hush now. This island was built for that purposes too. You're still the queen of the sea therefore the ruler of this prison. You will all be safe here." Pearl rubs her back in a circular motion while whispering soothing words to her. An action that any mother would do. Just merely looking at them, one could tell that the connection between the two was below sea level deep.

"Uncle what's happening?" Venus asked nervously.

"The war has begun. All the kingdoms had fallen except the battlefield, Phoenicia," Hadraniel replied solemnly. He extended his hands emitting a rays of rainbow lights towards the survivors of Mermadia. They were enveloped by it for mere seconds and then they all emerged with legs. Everyone was bewildered but only passed on a thankful nod to Hadraniel.

"I need to go home. Our family. My father." Amelia ranted in hysteria. She couldn't believe what she heard. Her heart was beating so loud that it dug through her chest like a drilling gun. She couldn't afford to lose all her people.

Aldrik, Rufus, Daphne and Agnus were all silent but judging with their horrified expressions, it was only a matter of time before they will all lash out too. Venus, on the other hand, was being suppressed by her Uncle. Hadraniel was covering her mouth tightly to stop her from making things from bad to worse. The girl would create unnecessary panic for everyone.

"Ammph, hmmpphh." Venus was struggling to break free but suddenly stopped and dropped unconscious.

"She's fine. I have to make her sleep," The Angelicum explained when he saw the questioning looks his audience gave him.

"W-ho is he?" Scalia asked to Pearl out of curiosity. To her the man was exuding with appeal, power and aura. If only her power was not drained, she could have sensed him right away.

"He's Venus' Uncle," Pearl replied curtly and dismissively. Scalia understood right away the need to let the truth remain hidden for everyone else.

"So, what now? We can't just keep on talking here." Daphne demanded. Impatience was clearly written on her face. Seeing her people in such state triggered something deep within her. She couldn't possibly let it slide without a fight. And by the looks of it, none of the royal family was present.

"Your highness, the rest of the clan especially the royals were left behind as hostages. The same way happened to the Mermadians." One Sirenian informed to Daphne upon seeing her looking around worriedly.

Daphne just managed to give a nod of acknowledgement. Her mind was busy contemplating things, the same way with the rest of her group mates.

"But what exactly are you here for?" Pearl all of a sudden asked Hadraniel. She must admit that seeing him after centuries was very surprising and it brought unfathomable happiness to her. But, she couldn't help herself but be skeptical about it too. After all, Angelicums never involved themselves with the affairs outside their realm. If someone like Hadraniel was here. It couldn't be good for the rest of them.

Hadraniel gave her a smile but turned to talk to everyone, "if you're all ready, then we need to go back to Phoenicia now."

"Haddy, answer me please." Pearl pleaded.

He turned to look at her one more time then said, "I'm here to send Nuscha back home."

He said the words very soft and in a very small voice but the sound was like an explosion as it reached Pearl's ear. Her eyes widened in horror then shouted, "No Haddy! You can't do that."

"I must and I wanted to. It's my responsibility. Besides, it's the only way to restore the Scale." He spoke the words with finality.

"B-but, but you will be like me. You will be stranded here forever." Pearl stammered as her tears fell.

"Hush now, Pearl. Losing my divinity is the least I can do for Venuscha and her mother." He said it with so much emotion that all of them was touched by the heartfelt devotion he feels towards them. He was stroking Vee's hair with a far away look in his eyes.

Loud roars echoed throughout the island signalling the rousing of the prisoners. It was also a cue for them to go already.

"It's time. The only way to enter Phoenicia now is through your fire. I will carry Venuscha with me. See you all there." Hadraniel instructed while he waited for them to get ready.

After Pearl and Daphne said their goodbyes, the shoreline was filled with bursts of blue and red fires together with a bright white light and rainbow dusts.

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