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3rd person's P.O.V

it was silent for a minute when the witch said

"ah what a great surprise the youngest daughter of eve.. what brings you here?"

the youngest daughter of eve didn't reply so the witch repeated what she had asked but then again no answer she  was getting angry so she shouted


and so Allison obliged but when she looked up Aslan saw Allison's face and became terrified.
not because of her being in the middle of the commotion but because of her eyes.

they weren't the usual sea green but they were replaced with clear white eyes.
the witch couldn't believe what she was witnessing so she ordered her minotaurs to bind Allison

but alas when they got near her they were thrown off like there was a force field protecting her she started to float a little then she spoke

"you will regret everything you are about to do!"

then a bright white light started to come off her and she toppled over the ground unconcious
the witch was quite terrified of what she just heard but still continued her previous activity 

"tonight! the deep magic will be appeased! but tomorrow, we will take narnia, forever!"

"you know Aslan I'm a little disappointed in you. sacrificing yourself but saving no one huh so much for love."
just as jadis said that she didn't see Allison wake up and witnessing everything that's about to happen 

"in that knowledge.....despair.....and DIE!"

before she plunged the dagger into Aslan Allison ran over and shielded Aslan and getting herself struck by the dagger she thought that she protected Aslan but the dagger was long enough to struck Aslan too.
the witch was shocked but then smirked and thought

'that's one daughter of eve less hassle in my plans.'



The Youngest Pevensieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें