The Betrayal

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Lucy's P.O.V  

my siblings,minus Allison, followed the footprints that we saw rather quickly when we reached the end of the woods we saw a great big castle made out of ice and that's when I immediately knew that Edmund was lulled to go to the white witch so I screamed 

"Edmund!!"  peter started to run and try to catch Edmund but before he could do that he was grabbed back by Mr. Beaver 

"Let go of me!"Peter shouted 

"don't go any further!"Mr. beaver said

"we can't just let him go!"Susan yelled

"He's our brother!"I continued

"He's the bait! the witch wanted all five of you!"Mr. beaver said

"WHY?!" peter asked angrily

"To stop the prophecy from coming true!! to kill you!" the beaver in question answered

I looked at the entrance of the castle horrified but then I heard Susan exclaim

"this is all your fault!"

"my fault?! I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING!" Peter said

"you should've just listened to me in the first place then this wouldn't have happened!" Susan exclaimed once again

"oh, so you knew this would happen??!"peter asked irritated

"I didn't knew what would happen which is why we should've left while we still could!" Susan said

I got fed up with them shouting so I yelled "stop"

"this wouldn't help Edmund" I said

"your sister is right Aslan is our only hope now" Mr. beaver said backing me up

"then take us to Him"peter said desperately 

just as he said that we heard howling of wolves and that alone made us cower back and ran back to Beaver's house where Allison and Mrs. beaver are waiting.

Edmund's P.O.V

YES!! I'll be king and peter will not be here to stop me!

as I entered the castle I was completely amazed by the size of it and not to mention the different statues that surrounded the courtyard.

I saw a tiger and a stick I grabbed the stick and carve lines across it's nose I wasn't looking where I was going then something jumped out and pinned me down and-and it was a WOLF?!

"tell me what your doing here stranger or you'll be beheaded" the wolf said

"I'm Edmund the-the white witch told me t-to come here!! I'm a son of Adam!" I exclaimed while stuttering.

"hmm. alright, come this way. Small favor of the queen."

The wolf the led me to a room with a great big throne in the middle made out of ice.

The wolf told me to stay put as he fetches the queen so I walked around and decided to sit on the throne which was,by the way, covered in a fur coat. It was so warm that I didn't notice anyone entering.

"comfy?" A voice said I turned around it was the queen.

"oh um yes, yes your majesty"I replied

"tell me Edmund are your sisters deaf?" the majesty asked 

"well no your majesty" I replied

"oh okay. well is your brother, I don't know, maybe unintelligent??" she asked again

"well I think so but mum-"

I was cut of by the majesty yelling,


"I tried but they didn't listen to me"

"what a small favor I asked of you and you can't even do that"

" well, I did brought them halfway they're in the dam with the beavers!"

she looked at me and said,

"well maybe you are not of total loss then"

then I asked,

"can I have um more Turkish delight??"

she looked at Ginnarbrick and said

"our guest is hungry"

Ginnarbrick walked my way, pulled out a dagger,pointed it onto my back and said, 

"this way,for your nom-nums!"

he led me away but then I looked back just in time to see the queen talking to the wolf that pinned me earlier.

"Morgrim! you know what to do."

just as the queen said that, Morgrim howled then ran with his fellow dogs.

Ginnarbrick pushed me sharply, opened a cell, then threw me in there then I thought,

'so much for Turkish delights and being a king.'




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