The Wardrobe

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Allison's P.O.V

We were in the living room and it's still raining hard.
Lucy and I are sitting by the window, Edmund is underneath a table fiddling with something, and Susan and Peter playing some boring game.

"Gas-tro-vas-cu-lar?. Come on peter gastrovascular" susan said

Peter sighed and answered

"Is it latin?" In an uninterested tone

And Susan replied with a 'yes'.
Then, Edmund says,

"Is it latin for 'worst game ever invented'?" Then he and Peter chuckled as Susan slammed the book shut.

"We could play hide and seek." Lucy suggested

"But we're already having so much fun." Peter replies sarcastically as he look at Susan.

"Please? Pretty please?" Lucy insisted

Then peter starts counting.

"That game is boring"Edmund complained as he got up from his previous position.

I found this really good hiding spot but Edmund pushed me away.

"I was here first"he said
I walked away rolling my eyes I found a big chest so I hid in there.

After about a minute, I heard shouting.
I went out of my hiding spot just to find Peter, Edmund, and Lucy talking.

"Does this mean Ally and I win?"susan says as she approaches us.

"I dont think Lucy wants to play anymore."peter says

"But I've been gone for hours." lucy says confused

"What do you mean?"Peter asks.

Lucy brought us to a spareroom with a big wardrobe in it.

Susan and edmund inspects the wardrobe.

"The only woods in here is the back of the wardrobe"Susan says

"One game at a time lucy we don't all have your imagination"Peter says
"Well, I believe you"edmund says

I was dumbstruck because of all people, he was the one who believes Lucy.

"Really?"lucy asks

"Yeah didnt I told you about the football field in the bathroom cupboards?"Edmund says in a joking manner.

"Would you just stop?"Peter reprimanded
"It was only a joke"edmund says

"When are you gonna learn to grow up?"peter says

"SHUT UP! YOU THINK YOUR DAD BUT YOU'RE NOT!"Edmund shouts as he storms out of the room making me flinch.

Susan noticed that and she grabbed my arms and said

"Well that was nicely handled"

She dragged me out of the room

The last thing I heard was Lucy saying,
"But it really was there" and Peter saying,
"Susan's right Lucy, that's enough."
And after that, they both went out of the room.

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