Father Christmas part 2

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Allison's P.O.V

Father Christmas stopped the slay near a hollow rock or a cave of some sort because this is where he saw my siblings ran so he walked past it and back to the slay a few hushed whispers were heard before Mr. Beaver stepped up away from the thingy he saw us and went back down the next time he went up he was with my siblings. as they were walking lucy said

"hello sir. Merry Christmas"

"it is Lucy now that you have arrived" Father Christmas said

"now I have some things to give you but before that I have a certain someone who had been left behind"

I stepped down the slay and saw my siblings I ran up to peter and hugged him tightly 

"oh allison" he said as he hugged me

"now here is something for you"

"presents!" lucy shouted as she stepped forward

" the juice of a fire flower one drop will heal anyone with injuries..and this I hope you will not have to use this because battles are ugly affairs" Santa said as he handed Lucy a vial and a dagger

"susan. take this and in any aim you take you will not miss" as he handed her a bow and quivers of arrows

"what happened to battles are ugly affairs?"susan questioned

Santa chuckled and said

"you have no problem in letting yourself heard here blow this and help will come" as he handed her a horn

"peter here is a sword and A shield" as he handed him a sword with words engraved on it

"allison here is a necklace that will morph into the last scene you will see when you touch someone. It will glow when it wants you to touch someone to see their future."

he handed me a diamond shaped necklace.

"now I must be going christmas is nearly over" he went on a speed of lightning

"told you he was real" I said and they looked surprised

"you heard what he said christmas is nearly over

so that means no more Ice" peter said and we rushed over to the river seeing that half of it was nearly melted


thanks for reading please




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