Living In a Big House

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Allison's P.O.V

As we were about to arrive, we saw that the house was huge! It looks really magnificent.

As we were walking inside,
Mrs. Mcready was going over the rules of the household.
"No shouting or running around the halls,
No improper use of the domewaiter,
No! Touching of the historical artifacts!!
And above all there shall be no disturbing of the professor." Mrs. Mcready says.

The rest went upstairs to unpack but I stayed behind for a bit.
I stared at the space between the door and the floor when I saw a silhouette pass by.

I got really scared that I ran upstairs hoping to catch up on them.

-------A Few Hours Later-------

Lucy was laying on her bed while I was by the window watching rain droplets race each other towards the bottom of the glass thinking about home.
When, my thoughts were interuppted by lucy saying

"The sheets are really scratchy"

"Wars don't last forever Lucy we'll be home soon" Susan says

"Yeah if home's still there" Edmund says as he enters the room.

"Isn't it time that you're in bed?" Susan asks

"Yes Mum!" Edmund says

"Ed!" Peter warns

Edmund just rolls his eyes and gets settled for bed.
But for me, I still sat by the window.

"Ally come on, go to sleep" Peter says
I just followed what he said and gotten in bed but still didn't sleep.

About 20 minutes later, I felt my eyes drooping and I was having a hard time keeping them open so,
I let sleep take over.

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