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Peter's P.O.V
My siblings and I were celebrating the renouncement of the white witch from my brother but I saw Allison going over to Aslan and she passed out we quickly went over to her and saw that her necklace was now shaped like a lion who had its paws and legs tied up with a dagger pierced in the middle of its stomach we quickly brought her inside her tent so we can lay her down.... And now aslan said that we only have to wait and that she might just be a bit too exhausted and so we Waited.

-still peter's P.O.V-

it's been a few hours and Allison still hasn't woke up we are so worried that we couldn't leave her side and stare at her still form.I thought to myself

'this is gonna be quite a long wait,maybe we just gotta wait'

so that's what we did.  we waited.

another hour has passed and still no signs of her waking up but as I look at the entrance of the tent and saw Aslan I looked back at Allison and saw her eyes slowly fluttering open

we rushed over to her and Aslan slowly went closer

I guess she heard movements because she started flailing her arms blindly the she started shouting

"I can't see!!" over and over again we were all shocked because we didn't know how and why would she turn blind oh so suddenly,but Aslan told us to

"let her rest her eyes. she will get better later in the afternoon"

so we did. we were about to leave but Allison started calling for Edmund and said 

"please don't leave Ed"

so Edmund stayed behind complying to his temporarily blind sibling's request

Edmund's P.O.V

It's hard seeing Allison like this it just breaks my heart.. I haven't had a time alone with her but I think that she wanted me here for security. yes I was the youngest lad in the family but Allison trusts me more that she trusts peter. So I just sat here watching her sleep until the afternoon came.

Peter's P.O.V

As soon as we saw that it was already afternoon we rushed to the tent where Allison and Edmund were. as soon as we arrived we saw Allison awake with Edmund talking to her Susan and Lucy rushed over to her as I stayed near the tent's entrance

Susan started asking questions like

"Are you alright?!"

"Can you hear me?!"   and the most ridiculous one

"  can you see me?!"

of course she can see you she's frickin' staring at you! you know sometimes I think that Susan is not as smart as she led to be but enough of this rubbish my sister can finally see and nothing bad will happen Right? 


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