3 | the vampire's prey

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' the stars knew all her secrets '

ZOOMING THROUGH TOWN, Rachelle felt her face change back to normal, the black veins going back into her skin

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ZOOMING THROUGH TOWN, Rachelle felt her face change back to normal, the black veins going back into her skin. She walked down an alley, the sound of her heels bouncing off the walls as she caught sight of a man entering a door. Rachelle followed, knowing that the man was up to no good and that he would be the perfect person to feast upon.

The brunette followed the man as he entered a room that was painted yellow. She tapped the man's shoulder, and he turned to her. His eyes widened, scared, as her vamp face showed. Rachelle lunged for his neck and devoured him, drinking every last drop before taking his dead body to the alley and setting it on fire.

She then went to another alley where she found three other guys. She just finished her last meal when sirens were heard. Cursing under her breath, Rachelle double checked that they were all dead before zooming back to the house.

Once she got there, she entered the house. Rachelle scanned the room until she found the hybrid, her mate. Now that she fed, the need to drink the hybrid's blood lessened so now she was able to talk to the girl. She walked up to her, ignoring the stares and tense stances of their others, and crouched down. The dark-skinned beauty was face to face with the girl that sat on the sofa, her innocent eyes filled with wonder.

"Hello." To Renesmee, her voice was like an angel. The older woman in front of her held a beauty that made her awe and her heartbeat pick up. "My name's Rachelle. What's yours?" Her voice came out soft, delicate as if she was afraid she was going to scare the young girl.

"Renesmee." The hybrid's voice reminded Rachelle of bells, relaxing her body with just her name. However, the room was filled with silent laughter as they heard the heart of the hybrid pick up speed. A blush rose to the younger girl's cheeks, showing her blood under the skin.

"What a beautiful name." Started the beautiful devil that was mated to the beautiful angel. Renesmee lifted her hand to Rachelle's face, which caused the girl to tense a bit but only to relax, trusting the child, her mate.

Renesmee placed her hand on her cheeks which caused a gasp to emit from both of them. They both felt the sparks travel through their body. Rachelle leaned into the hybrid's soft hand, images travelling through her mind of the memories of the child.

Rachelle's eyes fluttered shut as she was allowed access into the mind of her innocent mate. She wandered through the pure white corridor that had doors on either side, walking through it with curiosity.

Glancing at the first pastel blue door, Rachelle grabbed the handle and pushed the door open, gasping as she saw Isabella Cullen right after giving birth.

Realising that each door held a memory of the child, the dark-haired beauty continued to walk down the hallway, glancing to her right and left until she came to a stop as the doors ended quickly. The hallway continued but the doors did not, meaning that she needed to make new memories for the doors to appear.

A soft smile dangled on Rachelle's lips once Renesmee removed her hand. The beauty stared at her mate lovingly, the memories still in her mind.

"You're very talented." Said the also talented vampire. Renesmee blushed and looked down, covered her face with her dark bronze hair, a mix of her dad and mum's hair. Rachelle smiled before lifting her mates chin up with one hand and pushing her hair back with another.

"Don't hide away from me. You're wonderful, don't feel embarrassed. I only speak the truth." Rachelle stated. It was only then that the others knew she would love her for all eternity. "Sometimes." She quickly added causing laughter to burst throughout the room. She too laughed before growling as she caught the smell of wet dog entering the house. She stood up and glared at the shapeshifter that just came to the house.

"Jake!" Screamed the hybrid as she ran over to her best friend. Rachelle growled, silently. She didn't like people touching what was hers. Even if they were living, they were hers, only hers. She glared as they hugged and once the broke apart, Rachelle took her from him.


neverland • renesmee cullenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin