New Roads! Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

My sister found me browsing the internet for info about the Braeen Kingdom. There was still two months before the launch of the game but I was already waiting for it.

"What about The Path? You spent so much time on your characters, it would be a waste to simply let them go."

Annie's comment raised a problem, indeed my avatars would surely go to waste if I didn't do something. I finally decided on selling them. I started by posting an official announcement at my Guild wall about me switching to New Roads!, permanently transferred the guild leadership to one of the competent other players and finally quit the guild in all of its characters. He then connected himself to his auction account and put his avatars to sell along with their equipment. The auction was set to go on all week.

I held three days before curiosity won, my favorite character was $1,365 when the lesser developed one of the six was at $673. I was dumbfounded as at the best I would get $60 for a good piece of equipment. And it was only the beginning of the third day!

By the end of the week, I sold them for more than $3,000 the avatar along with the 2,000 worth of spare equipment! Finally, I transitioned my in-game money to real life cash. I ended up richer by $22,740 and 74 cents.
More than a whole year of office far!
Enough to pay rent for two years!

A few phone calls to my bank and signed papers later and the money was wired to my account.

Once this was over only one month was left to wait.
I was so impatient that my sister was getting annoyed.

While I was wearing out my sister's nerves the rest of the world, especially in America, was discovered on a daily basis newly installed first connection coffins in cyber coffee's shop, game centers, and even game shops. As RetroGame had ensured the coffins could be used for regular playing too, small commerce had no second thought to install a couple of them for the big day.

Those who had already received their headgear had prepared their avatar while others were still awaiting their packages. 

Finally, the launch date came at At 12:55, I was ready, gear on my head connected to the Internet. The TV was on, showing the long waiting lines in front of the games centers and shops. When it finally turned 1 PM, I excitedly shouted.

"New Roads! Connection!"

Just like at the creation of his character his surroundings went blank, a series of senses check went on, he was asked for his password and then he was in the game.
The sudden change from sitting to standing slightly disoriented me but as soon as I got my bearings back I started moving my new envelope. It's both familiar with its identical height and width and different through its lightness. I took a few hesitant steps before frankly walking. Around me, other players were was walking confidently: betas.
Since no one could leave the city before reaching level eight I will have all the time I want to admire the city.

I decided to walk around the square, waiting for an NPC to approach me and give me my first quest. It didn't take long for an elderly woman to come, asking me to look for a lost knitting set. it was hidden under a small stone bank under an apple tree. When I went to give it back the old lady gave me a Sweet Red Apple, my first cooking ingredient.
This was followed by a girl looking for her mother in the middle of the busy market, a smithy needing a delivery boy and a flower lady asking for assistance at her stand.
By the end of the first in-game day, I was level 4, had finished 4 quests of a level, 106 bronze coins, and had risen my familiarity with the citizens up to 5%.
Since my character Fatigue stat was high and all shops were closed and citizens home for the night I was about to go to sleep in an inn and connect back later when the sun would rise when a group of players silently went into a parallel street.
I followed them, curious. They led me to a small Training Hall linked to several Combat Guilds. Since players couldn't change their profession until level 15 and form their Guilds only at the Royal Castle, guild halls of were no interests to players as of right now.
Still, I followed them inside.
One after the other they talked to the guild trainer, smooth-talking him until he would allow them to train at night in the guild hall.

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