That little git is going to die today.

My essay. My essay!

I was struggling in potions as it is!

Now I need to re-do an entire essay!

Annoying piece of shit, I'm going to smear his face in Dragon Dung when I get the chanc-

"Hadley!" A deep voice boomed and I blinked, my eyes landing on the dark head of Zabini who was walking towards me with his hands held out in surrendering motion, "Look I know-"

"Where is he?" I ground out, looking around him to find the platinum-haired menace.

Students gave us weird looks as we stood at the entrance of the Great Hall, all of them hurrying in or out of it for dinner.

"Look just calm down a bit-"

"Where the fuck is he?" I yelled, stopping the crowd going in and out of the hall altogether. Blaise looked at me with a panicked expression then, his face shifted to someone behind me, trying to plead with them.

I don't think Daph and Pansy gave him any reassurance because he looked back at me and started pushing me out of the way, away from the door.

So he was inside!

"Look just calm down!" Blaise reasoned, his arms still pushing my rigid shoulders, "Get back at him a different way, a prank like you always do-"

"No." I muttered, pushing him away from me just as the foul little ferret made his way to the door.

He stopped in his tracks as his eyes met mine, a smirk slowly filling his face, his eyes blazing.

"You stupid little ferret!" I screamed, pushing Blaise to the side and walking towards him, my wand grasped tightly in my hand.

"Got my gift I see." He replied back easily, his hand casually brushing against the handle of his wand, Crabbe and Goyle came out next, standing behind him protectively.

"You ruined my essay." I spat, stepping close to him, my wand aiming straight at his chest.

"You ruined my life." He said, just as disgustingly, his wand coming up to aim at me too.


"How fucking dare you?!" I screeched, all the anger that had been stewing inside since the start of this year had reached its boiling point .Red sparks spilled out of the tip of my wand feebly with my words, not reaching him but he lifted his wand up to a shield anyway.

He always was a good duellist.

"I wouldn't have." He said conversationally, eying Crabbe and Goyle at his side, "But you just wouldn't budge up and tell me what you did."

I rolled my eyes, annoyance dripping from every pore on my skin, "I told you." I ground out, "I didn't do anything!"

"Yet." He reminded me, his eyes narrowing, "What did you really go to my room for? A chit-chat with Nott?"

My eyes flashed with anger, you know what? He fucking asked!

"You know Malfoy," I said, lowering my wand a stepping close to him, the murmuring around us almost drowning into static as I did so, "for a second, I actually pitied you." I spat, looking at his face slowly turning pink.

"Pity me-"

"How you have to scuttle around," I continued lowly, making sure only he heard, "carrying out daddy dearest's orders-"

"You fucking bitch!" he roared, his wand snapping up and sending a spell so fast, I barely had time to deflect it, "How did-"

"You think you're so smart aren't you?" I cried, stepping away and lifting my wand back up, "Hiding shit and putting Dragon dung in my bag, telling Zabini my secret-"

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