Yo, I had a nightmare

Start from the beginning

"You leaving us p!" Ming shouts. "We fought over who was going to marry you."

"You did?" He's surprised.

"Okay not a fight, I said I would but Yo cried he wanted to as well so we made a pact."

"Oh?" P'Sing's smiling, while P'Lee listening attentively.

"We would both marry you!" he told them happily.

P'Sing's laughing, P'Lee shocked. "Stop being so surprised every time I laugh lee."

"It's just weird; you're the strong silent type, seeing you like this I wonder if you're a pod person." P'Lee replies.

"Stop talking and rest idiot you have a head injury." I say before Ming can jump in.

"I don't wannaaa. When is lunch? I want to see P'Kit."

P'Ahn comes in with angel, who wants to jump to Ming, but can't so cries.

"Honey, uncles hurt." P'Ahn tries to sooth her.

"Angel you love me don't you?" Ming asks making a sad face.

"Lobe unca ming!" Angel yells.

P'Ahn sits next to me, Angels standing in her lap holding the bed, checking on Ming.

"I really want this needle out." Ming whines.

"You didn't want Kit to try and feed you when he comes?" P'Ahn smiles.

"Let's leave it till later!" He smiles.

P'Ahn chuckling.

"You're here Wayo dear." Aunty says coming in with dad and uncle.

"Your uncle and I have to arrange something, were going out. Your friends are coming, about lunch..."

"It's okay aunty, P'Bee's bringing it."

"I hope she's not going to too much trouble."

"No aunty, she has a restaurant, there making it all." I tell her.

"Yo had to agree when P'Bee threatened him."

"It wasn't a threat." I snap

"Or else from a woman is always a threat Yo!"

There is quite coughing around the room.

I slept a little, and then decided to go to Ming's room again, when I see the time. I'm sitting on the sofa talking to dad when my gang arrives.

"E'Yo, you have so much to catch up on." Monty says walking in with the rest.

"I have notes for you don't worry Yo." Rome's telling me.

"Seriously guys, you're going to make my hair turn grey before its time." P'In says coming in with the rest of the team.

P'New checks on Ming, then me handing me a box with little cakes, telling me to save it for later with a wink. He goes to sit on the other side of P'Sing on the sofa where he was talking to P'Lee. P'Sing starts showing him something on his phone when he does.

"Seriously Yo, how do you get into these things?" P'Maprang asks coming in with P'Prae.

"I don't plan this." I defend as they hug me and check on Ming.

"Ming you caused more trouble in the first year then we did in our 4." P'Arthit says coming in with P'Bright and P'Kong.

"P it wasn't my fault!" Ming whines.

"You're going to have your hands full next year Kong!" P'Bright tells P'Kong.

"I have a good hazing team ready to help me, plus I have Yo's number." he says smiling at me.

They check on us both, P'Bright goes to sit with Rome.

"Nong Yo, your learning well from me, look how popular you're getting." P'Bright nods.

My gangs giving him, 'He's insane' looks.

"You're all here, good." P'Bee comes in with Bas, the doctor's gang and P'Forth right behind her.

P'Pha comes to sit next to me, as she hands me Bas, who's smiling at me. There all asking us how we are, there's a lot of talking, good thing we have the big rooms.

I introduce Bas and P'Bee to dad, Bas looks at dad and goes quite, before shoving his fist in his mouth. My dad's chuckling.

P'Kit and P'Beam are talking to Ming; P'Ahn's talking to P'Forth, who takes angel when she wants to picked up. P'Forth smiles at her, telling her how cute she is, she kisses him. P'Ahn...

P'Beam takes Angel from P'Forth, and quickly hands her to P'Kit, who's stunned and tries smiling at the little girl. Angels oohing and pointing to P'Kit's dimple.

"Angel thinks it cute like uncle right?" Ming's asking her.

"Yes! Upper cute!" She giggles.

P'Kit's blushing, P'Ahn looking between P'Beam who's moved next to P'Forth and P'Kit and Ming, she's chuckling.

"My people are setting out lunch across the hall, eat up kids." P'Bee says.

"I'm sure you weren't expecting this many people..." P'Ahn begins looking around.

"Yo and Ming are here, I was well prepared for a crowd." She laughs

"Say Yo." P'Pha's trying to make Bas say my name, but he's just slobbering over his fist. I smile when I pinch Bas's cheek, he grabs my finger, but then P'Pha's pinching me...

"Seriously you have a right nerve!" Monty starts.

"How dare you come here?" Elephant says angrily.

The rooms gone quite, I look up to see what's got them so pissed off.

Pring just walked in.

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