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Evans POV

The past week has been very boring, Jared and I just hung out and talked most of the time and I looked for some Collages I might be able to attend. Jared got into a big nerd collage... or no! Not nerd.. he's not a nerd.. well he is... in a good way... um.. I love him and he got into a collage for smart people... yeah I'll put it like that.... anyways, he kept saying he rather go where I go but I won't let him, he needs to go where he wants and while it would be nice to not be alone...it's not like I won't be able to call him or something. I'm not sure Connors going to collage.. he seemed very against school but his parents do have money put aside for him. Oh! And one more thing, today we get to see Connor! He's sane now, they fixed him!

Connors POV

~few days back~

"Do you hear anything now?" The doctor asks.

I sit with my head in my hands on the table.

I hear a small chuckle in my brain. I peer up and the insanity figure was there... despite all the uh... "training"... I have been through.. or done... did?... I hate it.. I'm not doing that again, they can't make me... yet they always do...

"No." I mumble.

"Are you sure?" The doctor asks, pacing on the other side of the table.

"Yes." I mutter, putting my head back down.

"Hm.... and you don't see anything?" He asks.

I lightly shake my head.

"Good.... session.. success." He says and I hear the sound of a pencil on paper.

I had to lie... I had to..

"You will be able to go home in no time." The doctor tells me.

"Thank you.." I mumble.

"My pleasure." He says, I could tell he was grinning.. I just knew it... I hated it... I wanted to strangle him...

I want in to suffer the same "training" I had, see how he likes it.

~present time~

Evans POV

"You defiantly look like you're getting more sleep." Jared comments as I get in his car.

Oak jumps in and lays on my lap.

"Haha... yeah.." I smile.

Jared pets oaks head and takes his car out of park. He drives out of the drive way and starts driving towards the Mental hospital.

"What if he's different... what if-... what if he doesn't like us anymore.. or he doesn't remember us or-" I begin to panic after a few minutes but Jared cuts me off by putting his hand on my head.

"It'll be fine." He assures me.

Oak buries her nose in my arm and I pet her. I take a deep breath.

"Yeah... he'll never forget us." I say, calming a bit.

"Wow... that was fast." Jared says.

Shadows {Sincerely Three} ~Special sequel~Where stories live. Discover now