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Jareds POV

The day went by soooooo slow! I tried my best to hide my worrying with jokes but there were times that didn't work. Once the day ended Ev' and I drove down to see Connor. They were keeping him in a live in therapy office, I wouldn't exactly call it an asylum but it's sort of like that.

"I would be carful, he could be violent." The doctor guy warns.

"He wouldn't hurt us." Evan says.

"He's not in his right mind, there's no way to tell." The guy reminds him.

"Thank you very much sir, now Evan move it! March soldier!" I shout.

The doctor seemed annoyed by that but it got Evan moving. We entered a room with a couch, that Connor was laying on, a table and chairs. We were surrounded by soft colors and security cameras.

Connor looked lazily at the ceiling. He was mumbling to himself and seemed like he was off in another world.

"Connor.." I say.

He jumps and looks at us. He smiles.

"Finally, I have been so bored! Why am I here?" He asks.

His eyes were dull and it was easy to see he wasn't all there.. but other than that, he seemed normal.

"How do you feel?" Evan asks carefully.

"Fine.... why?" Connor asks, confused.

I walk up to the couch and crouch onto my knees so I was face to face with him. We lock eyes.

"What? you want a kiss?" He chuckles.

I wave my hand in front of his face... he was responsive.

"The f@&% is wrong with you two.. you're acting like I'm a unicorn or something!" He hisses, sitting up.

"You don't feel off?... at all?" I question.

"Of course not!" Connor growls.

Evan and I exchange confused looks. An odd flash sprays across Connors eyes and he groans.

"What's the last thing you remember?" I ask him.

He took a while to process... sort of like if you are in a loud room and trying to have a conversation that isn't going well.

"I don't know, I fell asleep and woke up here." He shrugs.

He looks at the door, that back at us.

"He seems... normal." Evan mutters.

I stand.

"Yeah, but did you notice his delay... I think there's something wrong, maybe he's hearing voices or something." I suggest.

"Please Kleinman, speak up.. I can't f@&%ing hear you when you talk about me." Connor sneers.

I just ignore him.

"It could be worse." I say.

Evan nods.

Connor curses and holds his head. Evan and I tense.

Shadows {Sincerely Three} ~Special sequel~Where stories live. Discover now