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Forgot to post this yesterday.....oops 😅

Important: Hi! Happy Halloween... or not... depending where you are... *under breath* or when I publish this..... SO because I am supper festive *hairflip* I am going to dedicate this chapter to Halloween so if you don't like da spoops then this chapter isn't something you would like, you can skip it. It's sort of just like a special thing that will be covered up next chapter so you won't be confused :3 ok enjoy!..

(Fun fact: I don't even like Halloween and I'm just out of plot ideas lol it's too spoopy for me....Halloween..not plot.. heh)

Oh btw this gets kinda dark... trigger warning.

Ps: now what I said a few days ago will apply (about me no posting) so sorry guys I love you all!


Evans POV

"Evan, Jared! Wake up!" A voice shouts.

"Five more minutes." I hear Jared groan.

"NO!" The voice hisses... it was Connors voice.

I spring up and look at him. Yeah, it was Connor. What was he doing in my room though? Why wasn't he at the medical hospital?

"Good Ev's up.. more productive than you." Connor spits.

"Wh-what's going on?" I question.

Jared was laying next to me in my bed, his hair was messy but his eyes were open now.

"You guys have to get up, the voices... or a voice... talked about this place... we have to go!" Connor says impatiently.

"How are you out?" I ask.

"They let me go.. said something about me being fine, I told you i'm not insane... now let's go!" He snaps.

"Ugh." Jared groans.

"How did you get in my house?" I ask.

"Stop asking questions!" He growls

"Sorry.." I mumble, looking at my open window.

It was still dark outside and a cold wind blew through my room.... wait... it's Summer... how's it cold?

"Get up!" Connor says.

I look back at him, he was pulling Jared out of bed. Jared fell on the ground.

"It's too early." He complains.

I look at my clock but it was frozen at 12am.

"What time is it?" I ask, standing up.

"Again with the questions, it doesn't matter!" Connors groans, "get your lazy a** up Kleinman."

"Shhhh, don't listen to your voices." Jared says sleepily.

"I drove by, the place exists and if you don't go with me, I'm going alone." Connor says.

"Uh I'll go.. I don't want you going alone." I say, helping Jared up.

Shadows {Sincerely Three} ~Special sequel~Where stories live. Discover now