“Oh, I was going to repaint it, the walls are boring, so I got you a dark blue color. I hope you don’t mind.”            

            “You could have at least told me.” He says.

            “Look, I’m sorry. It was a last minute decision. If you want you could paint it yourself.” She says just as there is a knock at the door. “Just go back to your room I have to get the door.” She says opening the front door.

            “My mom and her last minute decisions it get’s annoying sometimes.” He says with a little smile. “I’m sorry about the mess in here my mom wants to paint my room.”

            “I’ll help you if you want.” I say and he shrugs his shoulders. Trisha burst through the door tears in her eyes.

            “Tell them it’s not true. It can’t be true.” She says crying.

Luke’s POV

“What, mom what’s going on?” I ask walking up to her taking her hands in mine. She falls to her knees and I pick her up.

            “Please tell them it’s not true.” She says through her tears.

            “What’s not true mom? What’s not true?” I ask and she shakes her head. “Mom, please.”

            “Your father,” I walk her to my bed and she lies down. I walk down to living room to see the two cops that told my mom something about my father.

            “What’s going on?” I ask them. They turn to look at me. They both have straight faces with pain in their eyes. “What’s wrong with my father?” I ask again.

            “I’m sorry sir. You’re father got into a car accident.”

            “He’s fine though right?” I ask not believing what they’re telling me. “Right?” I say more loudly not believing that my father could be hurt. It really can’t be true.

            “We’ve done everything we could to save him. He didn’t make it.” One of them tells me.

            “No, no, no, he can’t be.”

            “I’m so sorry sir.” The cop says walking to the front door. I slam the door as soon as they walk out. I start punching the door over again. I barely feel someone pulling me away from the door. All I feel is the pain in my chest. My father is never coming home. He’s dead. I didn’t even get to say goodbye to him. My role model, my father, he was my best friend. Now he’s gone and I won’t have that person to share my secrets with.

            I turn to be face to face with a crying Brittany. “You want to talk about it?” She asks.

            “There’s nothing to say.” I say wiping away her tears. I’m not going to cry in front of her. I don’t want to show her that I’m weak. “My father died in a car accident.” I say giving in. She cups my face in her hands and wipes away the one tear I let fall.

            “It’s okay to cry.” She says and I shake my head. “Do anything but please don’t turn to drinking.” She says with tears burning her eyes. I smile lightly at her and pull her into me hugging her tightly.

            “I won’t hurt you. Ever, I promise.” I whisper into her  hair. “This isn’t going to affect me much because I’m a huge believer in life after death. It was his time. He’s in a better place.” I say and she smiles at me. “Even though I’ll miss him greatly.”

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