"I got errands to run, the usual, grocery shop too and from the lack of food you have, I guess you need to do that too?"

I nodded "Yeah I guess."

"Well I'm at your service, two birds, one stone and all that. What do you say?" He grinned.

Rolling my eyes I smiled "Go on then. But seriously, I'm not pushing you on the shopping cart like last time."

He chuckled before swiping up his keys and nicking the slice of toast I had in my hands. "Let's go!"


I never considered myself an angry shopper, sure people annoyed me when they were pushing at the reduced section or trying to snag a bargain in the sale. But today was a whole new level..

The barging of trolleys, the tutting, sly elbowing and shoving had my patiences hanging by the thread and I swore to myself that the next person who pushed me, better have life insurance...

It happened, as I was bent over getting some sweet potatoes, someone pushed me from behind. Furious, I spun around and went to give them hell when I realised it was Billy. "Chill out.." he whispered holding his hands up in defence.

"I can't. What's wrong with people?" I asked annoyed.

He shrugged "Desperate incase that blizzard comes in I guess."

"Bliz- we live in a fucking desert!"

He roared with laughter "I was kidding. People can be rude, but don't let it get to you so easily. Calm yourself down or your blood pressure will be through the roof."

Thinking back to yesterday's events, I realised Billy was right and took on a  few breathing techniques before continuing. Feeling slightly calmer, I finished up and paid.

"Ever thought about dying your hair red?" Billy asked eyeing my brunette locks.

"No, why?"

"Well it would match your temper, that's all."

I tutted and rolled my eyes behind him... I didn't push him on the shopping cart, no matter how many times he asked.

The next few stops were average errands. The post office to collect a failed delivery, the bank to take money out as Billy never trusted the ATMS, he's so ancient sometimes. The dry cleaners for his wife who spent a serious amount of money on cushion covers and then Billy spilt red wine on it. So he was now in the metaphorical dog house..

"Did the lady get the stain out?" I asked him leaning over to inspect the white cover myself.

"Hell yeah she did! Look at that! Not a spect!" He cheered.

"I wish I knew what they used, I have thrown away jumpers, rugs and god knows what else because of red wine. It's a mortal enemy of mine now. I ban it from the apartment." I answered.

"I don't blame you, you're all white and light colours so a massive red patch is noticeable."

I nodded "It was. Drove me insane."

So wrapped up in the thought of how much money I had spent on stain removers and the hours wasted on my knees scrubbing, I never realised where we had stopped.

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