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"You have to take this, Mani. This could be your big break. This is what will take you to the top!" The girl's instructor exclaimed with a hopeful expression.

Normani hugged herself. The amount of self-doubt that filled her was nearly crippling. Ther was no way she could be a back-up dancer for SZA. The idea of even screwing up in her presence made her heart drop. The overthinking only caused her heart to beat a little faster and her breathing to speed up a little more. She looked to her instructed who held a look of disappointment rather than the actual look of concern that he held. Backing up slowly, she turned and rushed out. She bumped into a body only to grip the person tighter as she recognized the lavender scent of the girl.

"Mani? Baby? What's wrong?"

She only got a quiet cry in return and she wrapped her eyes around the girl, leading her to the car. Once they got situated, Normani had not let go of Dinah's hand as she stared out the window avoiding eye contact. Dinah brought the girl's palm to her lips and pressed kisses against it causing the girl to pull her hand away with the ghost of a smile on her lips. She wiggled her fingers and looked down at her hand. "I got picked to be a back-up dancer for SZA."

"Really!? Normani! That's amazing, you love her!"

"I'm not taking it."

Dinah looked at her in disbelief and Normani glanced up only to turn away at the look. She hated the look of disappointment. Dinah slumped in her seat before unbuckling herself and climbing over the console to straddle Normani's lap. She grabbed the girl's face to face her and they locked eyes. They stared, having a silent conversation as Dinah read the girl. "You doubt yourself too much. You are one of the best dancers I've ever encountered. You take on every emotion when you dance and you make people feel. When you dance others feel it in their soul and it makes them want to as well. You're so talented. So talented, SZA is lucky if you even had the thought of dancing with her. Maybe I'm being a little biased, but anyone would agree if they saw what you can do with a big space and a good song. It's magical." She spoked, her thumbs wiping wet cheeks. "I know self-doubt is inevitable but if anyone can do it, it's you."

Normani had more tears come down, but they were happy. Dinah had always known what to say. She hated that Dinah was her walking support system, but she couldn't help it. The girl always was able to make her feel like a million bucks on her worst day. It scared her, but in the best ways. She brought Dinah's lips to hers catching the Poly off guard before she eagerly kissed back and pulled away before anyone got the wrong idea. Dinah pulled into a strange yet comforting hug do to their position and stroked her curls. "You should do it. You really should, but if you aren't comfortable don't."

"...I want to, but Dinah...what about you. I'll be gone for four months."

Dinah chuckled. "I'll be okay knowing you're doing something you love. You're happy and smiling and just having the time of your life. As long as I know your living and thriving, I'm beyond happy."

"What if you find someone...better."

"How am I supposed to do that when I have you. My whole world, huh?"

Normani just squeezed the girl tighter and grinned. Dinah let out a little squeak in surprise at the constricting hug, but returned the sign of affection. "I love you so much, Dinah Jane."

"I love you too."

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