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It was a stupid joke that Dinah thought would simply get a giggle out of the girl who held her heart. The ebony had been sad ever since she'd logged on to her instagram and saw vast amounts of racial slurs in her notifications. It broke her heart and she simply held the girl as she cried.

What sadden Normani the most is that it wasn't only directed at her, but her hero in every since. She'd never felt so broken after seeing how cruel people could truly be. It was sickening. Although still upset with her girlfriend reassuring her she was able to calm down and feel a little better. Her girlfriend had advised her to stay off of social media for a while and take a family day so they can all just feel the unconditional love. Dinah would exclude herself, but Normani asked her to stay the night and then leave for the morning.

So the two were laying quietly and Dinah felt that it was way too quiet especially after what just happened. She whispered through the silence in a slightly raspy voice as she was getting a bit tired, "Mani?"


"Why don't they play poker in the jungle?"

Normani turned in Dinah's grasp to face her. She sighed and placed a hand on Dinah's cheek, "Go to sleep." She whispered back to the half-lidded blonde, not wanting to her the corny joke that was bound to leave her mouth.

"No, because there was too many cheetahs." The Polynesian said softly and laughed into Normani's shoulder as she pressed closer to her.

Normani tried to keep her laughs in but she couldn't help but uncontrollably giggle at the joke. She gripped Dinah's sleep top in her fists as the laughs died down and she listened out for her girlfriend that got quiet only to her soft snores. She rolled her eyes and let her fingers scratch the girl's scalp. Dinah hummed contently in her sleep as she tightened her hold around the girl as if she'd leave while she slept. It often happened at the start of their relationship, Dinah would wake up in the middle of the night cold and confused as to where her girl went off to.

It took a lot of convincing on Dinah's part that it didn't matter what state the girl was in that she'd still have the same feelings. She was gorgeous in every way, shape, and form. Her personality alone made her irresistible, so if she really thought that some bedhead and no makeup would push her away then she was insane. Normani smiled at the memory when she woke up to leave and was met with a drowsy Dinah who had managed to wakeupjust to catch the girl, "Where are you going, manibear?" She spoke, the sleep in her voice highly detectable. There was a cute lightness to it that had Normani melting.

"I was just-" She paused debating on whether to tell a lie or not, knowing she could probably get away with it. "Just getting a drink of water." She stated.

"You aren't leaving? You're always gone in the morning and I never know why. Is it me? Or something?" She voiced her insecurity with a sad tone. It made Normani feel a little guilty, she hadn't really thought about how it might've made Dinah feel. She never wanted her to feel like that. She just shook her head and kicked off her shoes again, and slid off her jacket.

The ebony climbed in the bed and crawled to her girlfriend, cradling her cheek in her hand. "It's not you, DJ. I just didn't want you to see what I looked like without being dolled up or anything. I thought maybe you wouldn't find me pretty anymore. I wasn't thinking how you felt, I'm so sor-" The brunette was cute off by a kiss. It was short and sweet, but enough to have Normani's heart swell with adoration.

"That'll never scare me away. As cheesy as it is, you're really perfect in my eyes. So far, I can't see a future without you in it. You've got me sprung and I'm not letting you go because you didn't fleek the brow before I woke up." She said playfully, pulling a cute laugh out the older girl. "Now cuddle me. I'm tired." The blonde yawned pulling Normani with her as she laid down.

The memory warmed Normani's heart and her eyes finally closed with a cheeky grin plastered on her face.

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