"I just wanted to ask you about-"

"I don't want to talk about it Malfoy." He said, the hardened edge to his voice cracking slightly, "Forget I ever said I need your help okay?"

I pursed my lips, Then why the fuck were you shaking with anger?, it was at the tip of my tongue but what came out was, "Did you hear Hadley come in here?"

His face faltered, the hard edge slipping off completely, he shook his head, as if remembering something and then shrugged. My eyes narrowed, he's definitely hiding something.


"I'm going for dinner." He cut me off suddenly, promptly striding out of the room in the next second.

I exhaled loudly, we needed to do something and fast. Nott's always been a recluse, but he's still our friend. He was never this aloof, and he definitely never bunked classes.

Maybe there are things going on at home?

My life changed drastically this summer, maybe Theo's did too.

Were his parents Death-Eaters?

And as I desperately tried to cast my mind back to the countless conversations I had eavesdropped over the summer between my father and his Deatheater friends I realised I had completely missed something.

Cursing at myself, I quickly pulled out the crumpled parchment from my pocket and re-read my father's letter.

It wasn't something out of the ordinary, just him telling me to get into Dumbri-NO!-Umbridge's good side the weekly update on what everyone's favourite boy was doing.

I was getting sick of this, this constant guard duty that I had on Potter, just so father could impress the Dark Lord with inside information.

Sighing, I quickly pulled a parchment towards me, scribbling a note that wouldn't make sense to anyone else but my father.

Yes, father.

Another week of detention, will let you know the reason soon.


Rolling up the short piece of parchment as I hurried out of my room then, trying to send this before I went in for dinner.

After that, I could ignore the dark state my house was in till next week.

I know it's stupid, no it's downright foolish, one might say.

I couldn't ignore the fact that my father is one of the most-let's just say influential-Deatheaters out there. But as long as I was here, at Hogwarts, I was away from him, and frankly right now that was the only thought that could help me get through this year.

I'll cross the bridge when I come to it.

I just hope it's far far away.


It wasn't long before I spotted Carina and Blaise, in deep conversation at the Slytherin table. She looked extremely put out, while he just continued looking at her curiously.

I guess I would've felt sorry for her, but she had only just sneaked into my room to do god knows what. So my sympathy points were limited at the moment.

"Zabini." I said briskly, almost taking a seat to his left when another idea pooped into my head, I made my way to stand directly behind Carina who was seated to Zabini's right, looking at her potatoes with hatred.

I cleared my throat.

She didn't look back at me.

Sighing I poked her shoulder, hearing a groan as she turned to me expectantly, "What?"

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