Ruby: He looks a little different.

Weiss: He seems skinnier than the last time we saw him.

Blake: You think he's been eating.

Ren: I hope so.

Nora: Don't worry he'll be fine.

Damien's Pov

Damien walked into the cafeteria hungrier then usual.

Damien(In his head): Man I'm hungry I hope the others got me something.

Cardin: Hey black cat I have a bone to pick with you.

Damien: I'm not in the mood.

Cardin: Well I am. How about we settle the score.

Damien: Like I said, I'm not in the mood.

Before I could do anything he punched me in the gut adding pain to my stomach.

Damien(In his head): He'll keep going if I don't fight back...guess I have a no choice.

Cardin through a punch at me but I dodged it and gave Cardin a round house kick.

Damien: What's wrong, you seem a little sluggish.

Cardin:(To his team mates) Well what are you waiting for get him.

Russell and Sky came at me first but I dodged them both.

Damien: Is that all you got.

They all pulled out their weapons leaving me weaponless.

Damien: That's not fair.

Cardin: Let's see if you can take all of us on.

They all came at me at the same time leaving no openings.

I jumped in the air and hung on the ceiling upside down.

Damien: How about I finish this fight with one blow.

I started conjuring a blue sphere of air that grew over time.

Ruby:what is that.

Yang: I have no idea

Damien: RASENGAN!!!

I dropped to Team CRDL knocking them away to each corner of the cafeteria.


I was panting heavily and ready to collapse at any minute.

Wiess: We should...go check on him.

Ruby: let's go then.

They walked up to me and made sure I was okay.

Damien: I guess I should thank you guys for checking on me.

Wiess: YOU better thank us we didn't have to come over here.

Ruby: Cool it wiess.

Damien: Yea ice queen calm yourself.

Wiess: You make me sick.

Wiess walked away from us to calm herself down.

Blake: let's leave her alone for a bit, we need to get to class.

Damien: alright let's go.

~Time Skip inside professor ports class~

Wiess came in class a few minutes after us not looking at me at all. I kinda feel bad.

Professor port started talking about one of his "legendary" adventure's, so I just fell. When I woke up wiess was on the stage in front of a small cage beside professor port.

Damien: Hey yang did wiess finally say anything.

Yang: No not at all, I guess you really affected her I think.

Damien: Oh well.

Class got out pretty quickly so I just headed to my room, I was tired using that jutsu messed me up bad.

Wiess Pov

Wiess: Excuse me professor port

Professor Port: Yes Wiess.

Wiess: I was wondering if you could tell me about Damien, like where he comes from or something like that.

Professor Port: I'll love to.

Wiess: Thank you.

Professor Port: He used to be part of a Clan of Ninja's who learned ninja arts people wish they new.

Wiess: That's what he did.

Professor Port: He acts the way he does is because his whole clan was wiped out and he was separated from his sister so it destroyed him inside.

Wiess: I understand, well thank you for your time.

I should go talk to him it's the least I can do.

Damien's Pov
I don't know what's wrong with my body but every time I eat something I start to throw up.

Damien: I would probably have starved to death if it wasn't for the lunch lady.

The lunch lady came to my dorm every 30 minutes giving me some kind of burger that tasted funny.

Damien's Thoughts: What's going on with me, I being so nice for no reason. I gotta stop.

There was a knock on my door breaking me from my thoughts. I went to open to see Wiess on the other side.

Damien: Oh...hey Wiess.

Wiess: Hey Damien I just came to apologise.

Damien: For what.

Wiess: How I been acting these past few months.

Damien: You finally realized.

Wiess: Shut up. I was talking to professor Port about your background and I just felt bad.

Damien: Do you wanna come in.

Wiess: S...sure.

Damien: I don't want to be mean to anyone it's just that every time I get close to people I lose them.

Wiess: That won't happen anymore.

Damien: I hope your right.

Wiess: Can sleep with you.

Damien: Wiess your acting a little wierd.

Wiess: I'm not.

Damien:(grinning) alright sure you can sleep with me.

It was getting late so we layed down next to each other and she started turning bright red in embarrassment, I couldn't help but chuckle at her.

A few minutes passed and I was fast asleep.

I woke up before Wiess and saw her laying on my chest peacefully, I don't want to disturb her so I lightly picked her head up laid it on my pillow.

I walked up to my calendar and crossed out another day.

Damien: Two more days before Vytal festival.

A sharp pain struck my right eye making me scream, waking up Wiess.

Wiess: Is everything alright.

Damien: I'm okay don't worry about.

Wiess: okay then, well I gotta get back to my room...thanks for letting me stay with you.

Damien: No problem.

After Wiess left I got ready for class and made my way down the hall.

Damien: After class I need to go see Professor Ozpin about my eye, see if he knows what's going on.

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