A Day In Town

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Damien's Pov
It was a bright saturday morning and damien woke up to the sound of his alarm clock.

Damien: Why did I put a alarm on. Oh well guess it's time to go.

Damien did the regular morning routine. And left his dorm room.
When he walked outside he velvet standing in front of beacon.

Damien: Hey velvet

Velvet: Oh...hi

Damien: what are you doing out here

Velvet: just getting some fresh air. How about you.

Damien: Going into town probably upgrade my guns.

Velvet: Is it ok if I tag along

Damien: Sure be my guest.

Damien and Velvet walked into town getting looks from people.

Velvet: I'm sorry

Damien: For What

Velvet: Were being looked at.

Damien: It's fine were just two faunus friends hanging out.

Velvet: So...do you...um do this often.

Damien: Sometimes but today's a special day.

Velvet: Why is it a special day.

Damien: I'm upgrading my guns to have a faster firing rate and my sword is getting a sharper blade to pierce through stronger Grimm.

Velvet: That sounds like a really hard process. Anything else on your agenda.

Damien: I'm gonna get a grappling hook attached to my glove.

Velvet: I wanted to ask, why do you wear a glove only on your right hand.

Damien: It's for my sword, so I can have a better grip on it and to control it from taking over me.

Velvet: What do you mean?

Damien: My sword is cursed with Grimm blood if I touch it with my bare skin it'll corrupt me that's why I wear a glove.

Their conversation lasted from when they got to the shop until they left.

~Time Skip In Front Of Beacon~

Velvet: Thanks for taking with you.

Damien: No problem, it's always good to have company.

Velvet: Well cya later.

Damien: Cya.

(First person)

I walked back to my dorm room and sat and starred at my sword.

The purple stream of light was flowing through the sword giving it power all over.

I started thinking about everyone I met and smiled.

Damien(In his head): I think I'm gonna like it here.

~Time Skip after two months~

(At Lunch)

Ruby's Pov

Ruby: I can't wait for the Vytal festival.

Jaune: I can finally show everyone how much I've in proved.

Pyhraa: We all can't wait to see that.

Yang: Speaking of people where's Damien.

Wiess: Who knows probably being a idiot.

Blake: What's up with you.

Wiess: He just annoys me that's all.

Yang: Speak of the devil here there he is.

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