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I went into the elevator and went up to Ozpin's taking a deep breath. The doors opened and I walked out and was greeted by multiple faces.

Qrow: So is this the runt you intrusted with the Kagune?

Ozpin: Yes this is Damien.

Qrow: He doesn't look like much.

Ozpin: Well he did save your niece ruby.

Qrow: Is that I guess I should thank you.

Damien: There's no need.

Winter: Back to matter at hand. What were you thinking!?

Ironwood: If you were one of my men, I would have you shot!

Qrow: If I was one of your men, I'd shoot myself.

Goodwitch: While I wouldn't condone his behavior, retaliating like you did certainly didn't help the situation.

Winter: He was drunk!

Goodwitch: He's always drunk!

Ozpin: Qrow, why are you here?

Ironwood: You've been out of contact for weeks! You can't just go dark like that in the field!

Qrow: I'm not one of your special operatives, Jimmy!

Winter: General.

Qrow: Whatever. You sent me to get intel on our enemy, and I'm telling you, our enemy is here.

Ironwood: We know.

Qrow: Oh! Oh, you know! Well, thank goodness I'm out there risking my life to keep you all informed!

Ironwood: Qrow-

Qrow: Communication's a two-way street, pal. You see this? That's the SEND button.

Winter: They had reason to assume you'd been compromised.

Qrow: And I have reason to assume you don't need to be here. Seriously, who invited her?

Ironwood: Schnee, we'll discuss this incident back at my ship.

Winter: But sir!

Ironwood: Winter. Leave.

Winter: Yes sir.

Damien: Uh so if it's all right with everybody, can I leave.

Ozpin: My apologies I forgot I called you here. I have something for you.

He picked up a picture and handed it to me. I took it out his hands and looked at for a second and saw a baby that looked like me and the blond women.

Damien: The girl in the photo looks familiar.

Ozpin: That's your mother before you we're seperated.

Damien: How do you know all this.

Goodwitch: Because I told him.

Damien: I don't understand, what do you mean.

Goodwitch: I'm your mother.

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