A Ghoul

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No-Ones Pov
Ozpin: "How much time does he have left?"

Doctor: "About 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Ozpin: Then do the procedure.

Glynda: But it may kill him.

Ozpin: We'll take are chances.

Glynda: What if he can't control it.

Ozpin: We'll just have to wait and see.

Glynda: But...well alright

Ozpin: Let's go glynda, the doctor needs concentration

Doctor: Thank you sir, I will inform you when we're finished.

Ozpin: Alright then, take care.

Glynda: Do you think he's ready for that big of a task.

Ozpin: Someone who risks there life your anyone is ready to do anything.

Glynda: I hope your right.

Ozpin: I won't let anything happen to that boy, you care about him to much.

~~Meanwhile in team rwby's room (after they rearranged it)~~

Ruby: This all my fault.

Weiss: Not all of it is your fault.

Yang: What do you mean by that.

Weiss: For starters he jumped in the way. Instead of moving ruby.

Blake: You saw him after he transformed back to his normal self, he was exhausted.

Yang: He also had a cut on his face like he was in a fight.

Weiss: Yea well it doesn't matter.

Ruby: Let's go visit him before are class.

Yang: Good idea little sis.

~~Back in the infirmary~~
Nurse: How is he.

Doctor: He will live but he needs some rest.

A knock on the door was heard.

Doctor: Come in

Team RWBY and Team JNPR walked into the room surrounding Damiens bed.

Ruby: Is he alright.

Doctor: He'll be fine he just needs to rest up for now.

Jaune: How long will he be in here.

Docter: For the rest of the week, then he should be ready to go.

Pyrrha: We should get going class is about to start.

Weiss: Yea let's go so he can rest peacefully.

With that they left the not knowing Damien could hear them.

*A Week Later*

Docter: Your Finally Up

Damien: What happened

Docter: You were stabbed in the chest by a Death Stalker.

Damien: How about the others.

Docter: Their fine they visited a hour ago and they should be at lunch right now.

Damien: Can I go out?

Doctor: If your ready to move your joints.

Damien: I'm ready(After saying that he stands up and stretches) Well see ya doc.

Damien walks out of the infirmary and makes his way to the cafeteria.

*At Lunch*

Yang: You guys think Damien is ok.

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