"Really?" He got up and look shock. He looked at me with question wrote in his face. I looked at him and nodded. He hugged me very tight. I couldn't breath. This boy could kill me with his excitement.

"Thank you, Oh!"

"Er... But can you please let me go? I can't breath!" He let me go. I catched my breath. I inhaled all the air over there. Finally I could breath. I wasn't dying anymore.

"Sorry... I was so happy!"

"Hmmm... I can see that!" I said, "Lets go, I am hungry!"

"Where do you want to go? What do you want to eat? We can go to noddles shop near school. Or do you want ice cream? How about pad thai? I heard....."

He kept talking while holding my hand. I let him did it. It was so nice to feel his warm hands touched my hand. But it was annoying when he wasn't stop talking. I need to make him stop. Should I kiss him to shut his mouth? No, it is bad idea. If I did that I bet he would eat me alive over here. Right now. I didn't want it happen. It is too soon and I am not ready......yet.


I am here at siam. I walked to find him. Today is my date with him. My first date in my entire life. Ah sorry, my second date. My first date was with his mother. And now my second date is with her son. Maybe my third date will be with his father? Omg. I am gonna have date with all member of his family!

I tried to wear simple clothes. I didn't want to impress him. Just be casual as I am. I walked to the place where he said he was. As I saw him, he waved his hand and smiled at me. He look so handsome as usual, or maybe more handsome. I smiled at him.

"I don't know if you would put an effort for dressing up nicely for our date?" he teased me. I rolled my eyes and he said sorry for teasing me. He ruffled my hair again. I didn't know why he always do that to me? Does he like my hair so much?

 I didn't know why he always do that to me? Does he like my hair so much?

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"Where do you want to go?" he asked me.

"I don't know. You asked me to go on date with you, so you decided!"

He held my hand. Interjected his fingers between mine and locked it. We walked hand in hand. I was blushing. Lot of people looked at us and it embarrassed me. He didn't care. He looked at me and smiled.

"Do you feel uncomfortable for us doing this?" He showed our holding hands. I shook my head. I wasn't feel uncomfortable. It was nice. I would like to stay like this forever. But, I just didn't like being a center of attention.

"Let them stare at us!" he said, "They look at you because you look so cute and handsome today. And I am so lucky to have a date with this amazing boy" He smiled. This boy and his cheesy mouth. I melted like a chocolate. He is so sweet. I could die because of his sweetness. I didn't want to die young. Anyone want to switch with me?

Kidding. I am fine. Don't you dare to steal him from me. He stuck with me for good. So, back off!

We spent our date with hanging around, talking and laughing. Sometime we played like a kid in game zone. It was ordinary date. Nothing romantic but I loved it. I am not a girl, so better never please me like a girl with romantic date or something like that. I hated it.

When I was waiting for him because he needs to go to toilet, I saw Sun and Inn on the first floor in the mall. Inn was chasing Sun. Maybe they have argument again. Sun look like he mad at him. Inn stood in the crowd in the first floor while Sun walked away. I wanted to see what was gonna happened but someone pulled me and dragged me away.

"It is our date, so don't mind their business!" he said.


"No but or I will kiss you here in front of people!" he threatened me.

"Like you can!" I provoked him. He stopped walking then looked at me with his naughty smirk.

"Do you dare me?" He came close and closer. He leaned his face to my face. I suddenly closed my eyes. I felt something soft and warm touched me. Touched my right cheek.

"Lets do it later in private. I don't want to give people free show!" He chuckled and dragged me away. I was blushing. My face was red. My ear was red. My heart was racing so fast. This boy really knew how to use his charm to make me fall for him. Tsk.

He dragged me near the stage where the band perform for singing. I thought there was an event holding in this mall. He made me stand in the front line. He went to the stage.

"Hallo, everyone. Today I have a date with someone. It is our first date, so I want to make it special. I want to sing a song for my date. Hope you will like it Oh!" He gave a sign to the band and the music started to play.

Everyone seems in awe with his voice and the way he sang the song. The lyrics of that song is so lovable. I smiled in entire song, from the start to the end of song. When he finished, he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at him. Everyone gave him big applause.

"This song, I sing for that cute boy over there!" he pointed to me and everyone looked at me, "He is my date and I like him so much. Isn't he cute?"

Everyone let out "aaaawwwww" from their mouth. They found it romantic, I guessed. But unlucky me, it made me blushed. Embarrassing. I tried to hide my blushing face.

Shit, Copper. I will kill you later but for now, let me enjoy this moment. Damn! Why you make me fall for you again and again! I hate it. Nah, I LOVE IT!!!


Because I am happy, I give you another update
I wanted to post it tomorrow but I coulnd't wait anymore 😂😂😂
I am too excited!

Btw, I died because of the cheesiness that I wrote in this chapter
I died because of sugar free in this chapter!
Too much sweetness that I couldn't take 😅

Honestly, I never have romantic date that is why I couldn't write something romantic for their date

I am not romantic and I like simple things
So, I am sorry if I can't give you romantic date between Oh and Copper


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