Chapter 32

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Since we were done with the South American leg of tour we were officially off for six weeks. I have planned to spend part of that time with Harry but that is all up in the air now with the whole tabloid mess. My dad gave me some really good advice about how to figure out how I really feel about Harry but I don't know when I will be able to use the advice. I am also really pleased my dad didn't freak out when I asked him about how I should explore my feelings for another man.
The conversation with my dad pretty much was I asked him if he has seen all the pictures. He said yes but he didn't believe what they were saying. I then told him that seeing the pictures may have opened my eyes where Harry is concerned. My dad then said with a chuckle "I was wondering how long it would take you to realize what is so obvious to those who spend anytime with you both". I asked him what he meant by that and he just chuckled again and said "Niall just open you eyes and see what is right in front of you". He also reassured me that no matter my choices in life are phim and my mom will always support and love me. I have some really great parents I can tell you that much.
I am on my way to the airport to head back to Ireland. Harry and I were going to spend some time in Jamaica together but that all changed when that damn story hit the press. Harry now has to go to LA to meet up with his manager and PR team and he doesn't know how long that will take. He just suggested I go visit my family and we will make plans to meet up at a later date. It really sucks because a few days on the beach to unwind would have been great.

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HSI am on my way to LA now instead of Jamaica with Niall

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I am on my way to LA now instead of Jamaica with Niall. This damn fake story of Nick's has really messed shit up. I was supposed to have six weeks to relax and get rested up for the North American leg of the tour which has the most concerts of any leg. My manager insisted I came to LA to meet up with the PR team to come up with some damage control.
Niall wanted to come with me but I insisted he goes to visit his family. I for one don't know how long I will have to be in LA and I want him to have a nice and relaxing break. He really deserves a nice break with all this shit that has blown up. I just want to kick Nick's ass. I should have never given him a second chance. I will tell you that his is one radio show I will refuse to do from here on out. I don't care if my career gets damaged because I won't do it.
I just said bye to Niall and headed to the airport. His flight is three hours later then mine and he doesn't need to hang out at the airport to be photographed by the damn paparazzi. I assured him as soon as I know what direction my PR teams plans to head I would let him know. I also said we will still get together at some point during the break. Not only because I wanted to spend so time with him but also because I promised his parents I would come to visit them.

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