Chapter 19

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We have officially finished up the U.K. leg of Harry's tour. That also means saying goodbye to Nick for a while at least. Maybe now Harry can bond with his band and crew a little more since his time won't be monopolized by Nick. I am sure he will still somehow find a way to annoy all of us even when he is back in London. 
When the final show in the U.K. was over we all headed to the airport for our flight to Sweden. We got to actually vote on staying in Glasgow for the night or heading out. I personal think everyone voted to head out because they are all as sick of Nick as I am.  So we arrived in the middle of the night and we went straight to our hotel to get some sleep. I was heading into a room with the guys I have been sharing with since the tour started and Nick was tagging along, when Harry tapped me on the shoulder and said "Hey Niall come share with me. My suite is huge and I don't need it all to myself"   I wasn't sure at first since I haven't really spoken to Harry in the past almost 2 weeks now. He could sense my hesitation and gave me his sad puppy dog eyes. Who can say no to such a face, so I caved and headed towards his room.
We did not talk at all when we got to the room. We both headed to our rooms to sleep. The next day at about 10:30 a.m. I finally got out of bed. Headed straight to the bathroom and then out to the mini kitchen to make some coffee for me and some tea for Harry. I decided to let him sleep a until the breakfast I ordered from room service showed up. I gathered his food and tea up on a tray and headed towards his room. He looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake him up but he needed to eat also.

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HSI am so torn right now

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I am so torn right now. I am sad that the U.K. portion of my tour is over and that I have to leave Nick. However I am excited to continue on with my tour and see all these new places. If I must admit I am also glad I get to leave Nick behind for a bit also. I need my sleep and that boy was not letting me get enough of it. I talked my manager into allowing the everyone to vote on leaving for Sweden right after the concert or waiting until morning. Nick was pissed when he found out the band and crew wanted to head out right after the show but he will just have to deal with it. He insisted on going to the airport to see me off. Not really sure how so many tabloid photographers knew I was going to be there but they were all waiting for me.

Once me, the band and crew all arrived in Sweden we went directly to the hotel for some much needed sleep. I just assumed Niall would be sharing with me since he did when we first got to London. However he had different plans because he was heading into a room with a couple of the guys from the light crew and another sound guy, so I had to ask him if he wanted to stay with me. I was a little surprised when he hesitated at first but he finally followed me to our room.

I really can't remember the last night I slept so much or I should say morning. I was pleasantly waken by Niall bringing me breakfast in bed. That boy is so sweet and thoughtful. Why can't Nick be more like him.

 Why can't Nick be more like him

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