Chapter 10

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These past three days have been so much fun with Harry. We have done a lot of stuff from hanging out at the beach to hiking up to the Hollywood sign. We also did some shopping well Harry shopped and I just tagged along except the grocery shopping was for me.

We talked a lot about our families and how we got into the music industry. I just grew up listening to the music my parents liked and I was hooked from the very first Eagles concert my parents took me to. Just something about music is raw and freeing. It tells a story and that story can have multiple meanings to multiple people. Music can lift your spirits and comfort you in a time of need. Music is just such an important role in some many ways that we all take it for granted most of the time.

I feel at easy with Harry. I haven't felt this way since Emma passed. I really need to tell Harry about her and I need to soon. We are talking about our childhoods and families it just seems natural to talk about the love of my life. I just know I will break down when I do it and I am not sure I am ready to do that in front of Harry just yet.

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HSSo the next three days were filled with small adventures

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So the next three days were filled with small adventures. We went to the beach, went hiking, shopping and just hung out. It was so nice to step away from the album for a few days. Much needed days of relaxing and getting to know Niall better. Somehow spending time with Niall really doesn't make me miss home that much anymore. Not sure why maybe because he is from Ireland who knows. All I do know is that I am very comfortable with him and finding myself wanting to be near him.
So since Niall was so gracious and went clothes shopping with me I agreed to go grocery shopping with him. It was more so that he didn't have to do it via bus. This way he can really stock his cabinets

All three nights of our three day weekend from the studio Niall still had to work at the club. Because of this we couldn't really check out other local night clubs. Well I could but did not want to do it alone. I decided I wanted to drive Niall to and from the club each night because I just didn't like the idea of him taking the bus. He doesn't know of my plan yet but on Friday night he was running late because of grocery shopping. He was rushing around to get cleaned up for work and I was putting his cold stuff away for him. I knew he would agree to a ride to work since he is running late. So I dropped Niall off at the club and headed home to clean up myself and eat some supper. Around 9 pm I headed back to the club. I knew Niall would be busy so I just hung out at the bar and listened to whoever it was performing tonight. Niall was very surprised when he came up to the bar at the end of the evening. I just told him I was bored at home and wanted to get out but didn't know where to go so I ended up here. That is how every night went over the weekend.

 That is how every night went over the weekend

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