Chapter 17

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The last couple weeks have just flown by here in London. I have seen very little of Harry because any free time he has Nick has him out going here and there. Their pictures have been all over the web. I sometimes think Nick is doing this all just to be in the public eye. I have met him a couple of times and just get a weird vibe from him. He is very dominant over Harry and Nick picks how Harry spends his free time and I do not like that.

I have spent some of my free time with some of my friends that have been to London. There was a large group of my classmates that came over for a long weekend just to see me. I feel so blessed to have friends like that. The highlight however was the surprise visit my dad and another good family friend made. I had just gotten back from a rehearsal when they showed up at my hotel room. We went out and had a good time and they crashed with me since Harry has been staying at Nick's place most nights. I have really had some good times in London and part of me is sad that we are leaving in two days to start the tour, but I am ready to see the world and maybe to have some separation between Nick and Harry

 I have really had some good times in London and part of me is sad that we are leaving in two days to start the tour, but I am ready to see the world and maybe to have some separation between Nick and Harry

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HSThe past couple weeks have been so much fun

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The past couple weeks have been so much fun. Spending all my free time with Nick has been fantastic. He has even tagged along to some of my other gigs. He is always with me and I haven't had that in years. It is very refreshing to know I can lean on Nick when needed.
On my free evenings Nick seemed to always have something planned. We have gone to dinners at some of the most posh restaurants in London and attended a fashion show. Nick is always telling me that he really likes to show off his hot boyfriend. I enjoy every minute I spend with Nick but I would like some quiet evenings in just the two of us, but Nick is such a social butterfly he always need to be where the action is.

I am leaving London in two days so I asked Nick if we could have some alone time and just stay in. Enjoy each other's company without distractions. Nick said that would be nice but he had planned a party for me at a local club to kick off my world tour. What could I say he has gone to a lot of trouble to plan it so I just went with it. It was really strange because the party was just me and a whole lot of people I didn't know and Nick. The band and the crew weren't even invited which kind of pissed me off because without them I would not be on tour. I am really looking forward to kicking off the tour but I will really miss spending time with Nick.

A/NDo you think Harry will figure out Nick is using him before he falls to hard for him?

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Do you think Harry will figure out Nick is using him before he falls to hard for him?

What do you all think of the story so far?

Where is everyone from?  I live in the United States in the Midwest.

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