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Damn my hand hurts like a mother. I don't know what came over me to make me hit Nick but I am so glad I did. The way he treated Harry was absolutely horrible and he actually deserved to have the shit beat out of him. Harry got me a bag of ice for my hand and has me sitting on the sofa with my hand resting on a pillow. He has examined it and made me move and bend my fingers. Harry really wanted me to go see a doctor but I insisted it was fine.
I will admit I have really enjoyed Harry taking care of me. He can be so so sweet. I haven't had or allowed anyone to take care of me since Emma. I am not really sure why I am letting Harry do it let alone enjoying it. Maybe his friendship has really helped my heart slowly mend.

HSI still can't believe that Niall hit Nick, and he did it for me

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I still can't believe that Niall hit Nick, and he did it for me. I really wanted Niall to see a doctor to make sure he didn't break his hand but he refused. So I got him an ice bag and made him move his hand. He doesn't appear to have broken anything but I made him promise me that if it is still swollen tomorrow he will have it checked out.

I have Niall sitting on the sofa with his hand resting on a pillow with ice on it. I also got him to take a couple paracetamols to help easy the pain in his hand. Once I had Niall all settled I sat down beside him so we can watch a movie to pass the time before heading off to the venue. We sat there in a comfortable silence and watched
the classic Ferris Bueller's Day Off.


Sorry for the long wait. I have been very very busy with life. My job has been very hectic but that should slow down by the end of next week. I am going to try to get back into the swing of writing again and will hopefully update weekly. This chapter was just a little filler. I am hoping the next one will be much better.

Thanks to everyone who has read this so far. Please comment because your comments help me decide what direction I should send the story.

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