Chapter 31

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Niall woke up to his phone going crazy with text messages and missed calls from his family and friends. All the texts were asking if he was okay and saying they are behind him no matter what. He was just wondering what the hell is going on. They have just finished up on the South American leg of the tour and will be heading back home for six weeks so he can't imagine what is going on.
Niall decided he would give his brother a call since he was the first to call and text him. Niall about dropped the phone when Greg told him what is all over the internet news and on the front page of some of the tabloids back home. Where in the hell would people get the idea of him and Harry being involved with each other. Not to mention that Harry was cheating when he kicked Nick to the curb weeks ago. Then he remembered what Nick said as he was walking out the door back in Paris. Niall assured Greg that the press had it all wrong and he and Harry are just really good friends.
Once off the phone Niall headed out of his room in search of Harry. He has to have seen this or at least been told about it by now. I am sure his PR team will be all over it.
Harry was rushing out of his room about the same time I was with a sad look on his face. "Niall I am so sorry to drag you into my mess with Nick. I know that he is behind this somehow and I will get to the bottom of it" Harry said with tears in his eyes. I just hugged him and told him it was alright. He knows Harry would never do anything to hurt him. "But Niall you look like a gold digger and you aren't even into men. How could they take such an innocent friendship out of context like they did." Harry replied. Still hugging Harry I just said "Harry we know the truth and that is all that matters". About then Harry got another call from his team and had to take it.
I went and sat on the sofa and just thought about what Harry said "you aren't even into men". I never labeled myself as straight I just happened to fall in love with Emma because she was a wonderful person and not because she was a female. Hell could I have feeling for Harry that run deeper then just friendship? I mean I love spending time with him he is a beautiful person both inside and out. Well darn I need to talk to someone about this and the first person that comes to mind is his dad. Niall looks over towards Harry's room and sees he is on the phone still so he heads back to his room to call his dad.

HSI am woken up at an ungodly hour by the room phone ringing non stop

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I am woken up at an ungodly hour by the room phone ringing non stop. I look at my phone sees it is only 4:30 am at my current location. This better be bloody important or someone is getting an ear full. I answer the phone still half asleep and get the biggest surprise "Harry what the hell are you and Niall doing?" It took me a moment for those words to sink in and replied "he is in his room sleeping just like I was in mine sound asleep until you called me" I replied. "That is not what I mean. Pictures of the two of you hugging and messing about are all over the internet and on the front pages of the tabloids. You are being called a cheater and Niall is being called a gold digger". At this point I was fully awake and sitting straight up in bed. I was reaching for my laptop so I could see what my manager was going on about. "Can I call you back I want to see what the hell you are talking about" and then I hung up without waiting for a reply.

I quickly throw on a shirt and rushed out of my room after I looked into all the posts. I needed to let Niall know what was going on since he now right in the middle of this mess. Damn Nick I don't know what he thinks he may accomplish with all these lies. Niall was coming out of his room at the same time as I was. I had tears in my eyes just by seeing him I was quick to apologize and he just hugged me. He didn't seem to care what was going on and him being called a gold digger. Niall reassured me that we know the truth and that is all that matters while he continued to hug me. My phone started ringing again and it was my manager so I had to take it. I excused myself and Niall went to set on the sofa.

I was on the phone for I don't know how long. My management team is trying to find out who really leaked the pictures but I assured them it was Nick. They still had to find out on their own so they could figure out what direction to go with their fight against the allegations.

 They still had to find out on their own so they could figure out what direction to go with their fight against the allegations

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