Anterograde Amnesia

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Ethan eyes the clock standing on his nightstand, and was surprised at how fast the time passed.

"I'm going to have to go to work soon (A/N this sentence was a pain in the ass to write) but if you want, you can tag along." He laughed. "You know, order something, give me some work to do, help the business and meanwhile make sure I can be busy with you and not have annoying customers."

Tyler nodded and Ethan clasped his hands together. "Great! Just let me change, brush my teeth and we can be on our way."


Ethan was ready in his oversized sweater and skin tight jeans. "Alloweth us wend!" Tyler jumped up, wrapping his scarf around his neck and chin, slightly muffling the words at the end.

Ethan shook his head, but a smile was present on his face. "We're not in a Shakespearean play, Ty." Tyler quirked an eyebrow at the nickname but ignored it for the rest.


The walk was quiet but not awkward. Maybe it was because Ethan didn't register it as silent – he was overly conscious of his footsteps, his breath, and the ringing in his ears every time Tyler looked over at him. What was he thinking? Was it positive, negative? Was it about Ethan or was he just worried? Tyler seemed like a person that would care and worry for everyone. Maybe-

"It's cold, isn't it?"

Tyler's voice shattered Ethan's thoughts like a mirror and pulled him back to reality. Ethan nodded, not trusting his voice. It wasn't that he was worried his voice would break or sound like he was about to cry, it was more that he wanted to ask questions so bad that he was afraid the words would find their way out of his mouth without his consent.

"Do you want my scarf?"

Ethan looked up at the taller man. His blue eyes were honest and worried, and even if Ethan wanted to refuse, the way Tyler was looking at him made his head spin and his knees weak.

He nodded again.

Tyler took of his scarf and wrapped it messily around Ethan's neck. His cheeks were red and he tried to make no eye contact, instead focusing on his scarf.


Tyler looked at his shoes and wiggled his toes. "It looks good on you."

The scarf was a simple light blue woollen scarf, it looked like he might have knitted it himself. The thought of the tall, muscled, manly Tyler sitting in a chair, cross-legged and humming a song – and knitting a fucking scarf made Ethan smile behind said scarf.



"So this is where you work?" Tyler's words left a trial of warm breath behind in the cold air. Ethan nodded behind his – Tyler's – scarf.

"It's nice."

Ethan nodded again. He wondered if Mark and Amy were going to be here today. After all, after marriage came honeymoon right? Then they wouldn't show up for a couple days. Ethan didn't know them, but it would probably be lonely.

"You just go sit and order something, I'll be your waiter today," Ethan said, already pushing Tyler into a chair and walking backwards.


"Hi! My name is Ethan. I'll be your waiter today! Have you chosen what you would like to order?"

Tyler watched Ethan run back and forth between the customers, taking orders and running back to the kitchen, only to return with their baked goods and drinks. Tyler was leaned back in his chair, a smile on his face.

Wonderland - TyThan OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ