forty-six part 2

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Soooo I just came out with a new book called " Kian's roommate " I would really love if you guys went and checked it out tell me how you like it I love y'all enjoy this chapter now :)

Come on annika .... Kian says

I-im tired .... I said and it was 12 in the morning he would give me breaks just when madison cried also he made me make him dinner i honestly thought he would leave right after we were done but he decided to stay why did brea have to leave

You love it so do t complain im waiting ... He says

L-later ... I mumbled as i still felt my legs shaking a bit

annika im not telling you again ... He says and i ignored him i was going to reach for my phone but he quickly took it away from me i just closed my eyes

What were you gonna do ... He says

Text my mom so she can pick madison up i don't want our princess hearing us argue ....

She's our princess now .... He says

She will always be kian .... And he placed kisses on my back

she will always be kian .... She says and i just placed kisses on her back i uncovered myself i turned her around her back facing me

You are happy because of me annika .... I placed my hands on her waist and she just whimpered she would either bite onto the pillow or sometimes her arm she was either plessured or in pain i didn't care

That's why she should've behaved

goodmorning ... Kian smiles as he was doing breakfast i felt like i exercised i was extremely sore especially my inner thighs

When are you leaving .... And he chuckled

You are kicking me out even after the good times yesterday ... He says

I'm serious kian ....

Until I'm done ... He says

I'm sore kian ...

Did he make you feel like a women/woman.... ( i get confused with them cause autocorrect tells me is women then it tells me its woman so like wtf)

I just eant you to go kian ....

He didn't because he didn't leave you sore im doing his job I'm making his girl feel wonderful he should thank me ... He says

I'm not his girl kian ...

Oh well it won't count as cheating then ... He says

Whatever ... I mumble and i grabbed a water bottle

Come here ... He says before i even opened my water bottle

What ...

Are you hungry ... He says grabbing a plate

I will make myself something later ....

Breakfast is ready .... He says and i turned to look at him he was pulling down his sweatpants

No kian ...

I'm sorry i didn't make you breakfast i made myself some but there is plenty down here get over here ... He says as he began to eat

What's wrong with you ....

Look baby girl I'm not asking you I'm telling you ... He says and i just put the water bottle back in the fridge

i hate you you know that ....

Okay sure less talking baby ... He says and i just pulled down his boxers as i kneed down he just put his plate down and he just smiled as he closed his eyes

Changes 2 ( sequal to changes Kian lawley fanfic ) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt