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Okay next question... Kian says and I looked at the camera Kian keeps getting requests to make more videos with me and in this one we introduced Madison

okay Sasha says what videos don't you like for annika to watch in the knj channel and how do you feel about it annika  .... and Kian quickly smiled as right after Corey read the question

defenitly the dirty ones ... Kian says

We actually had a whole conversation about it ... I began to laugh and so did Kian

You see there was girls before her so not everything I say was with her so she obviously knows some things aren't about her .... Kian says and I raised my eyebrow at him

he is getting so red ... Corey says laughing as well

Shut up you answer now ...Kian says and I grabbed his hand

I mean sure the dirty videos bother me but we have had other relationships in the past but Kian's mom actually saw one ....

Oh my god ... Kian says and I couldn't stop laughing

She thought the things Kian has done were all with me which they weren't that's the only part I don't like because Kian might say he had sex somewhere out in public and it wasn't with me so his friends or you guys might think it was me so.....

Yeah but it keeps them guessing baby duh ... Kian says

True true ....

Okay Britney says if annika can react to this edit .... Corey says then hands Kian his phone

" man of the year "( by the way who ever made this edit you are awesome ;) )

oh fuck ... Kian says and I pressed play

You guys will see it in the screen so great ... Kian says and the video started it was a like sexy edit of him I just turned to look at him and raised my eyebrow

It's over okay next question.... Kian says and hands Corey back the phone

Wow wait her thoughts ... Corey says and I Just looked at the camera

That's one of the Reasons why I got pregnant.....

Oh .. Corey says

Annika ... Kian says and I began to laugh

What it's true like I think I just got pregnant again just by watching it great video by the way ... I winked at the camera

please someone make a sexy edit of her so you will know why I got her pregnant.... Kian says and I pecked him on the lips

daisy says how was it having Madison ..... Corey says

it was a very very beautiful moment in my life it was scary as well there were some issues Annika was loosing blood like way more that a person should but besides all of that hearing her cry made me fall in love all over again with her ... Kian looks at me making me blush like crazy

Annika .... Corey says

Well i was obviously struggling they told me I had two options either c-section or you know the normal way if I had Madison the normal way I would die because like Kian said there was some struggles see I couldn't have those moments like Kian because I literally just remember hearing my mom and Kian telling me that I did it then suddenly my heart stopped ....

Changes 2 ( sequal to changes Kian lawley fanfic ) Where stories live. Discover now