Twenty ( part 2 )

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family of Annika Faye rose ....and everyone stood up I just stayed leaning against the wall just staring at the floor

How is she .... Sarah says and I looked at the doctor

She's stable she's just asleep right now which is normal Annika got the blood she needed she's perfectly healthy ..... the doctor says and I just covered my face

I told you Kian I told you ... my mom says as she hugged me and I hugged her back very tightly

She did tell me to calm down that annika was strong I just didn't believe it because annika looked to tired she said goodbye to me so I thought it was all over

here she is .... the nurse smiles and I slowly sat up and Kian walked in carrying her

introducing Madison Marie lawley .... Kian says and handed her to me I just smiled I was crying but because of happy tears

Family picture ... the nurse says and Kian put his arm around me and I just smiled at the camera

I will make sure to give it to your mom .... the nurse says and I nodded she walked out and I kept playing with her little hand and she just grabbed my pinkie making me laugh Kian just wiped my tears and I looked at him

I-I had no other choice to make Kian ....

Shh it's okay you are here which is what matters my two girls are healthy that's all I care about Annika .... he says and kissed me

I love you Kian so much ....

I love you too baby girl ... he says and we both looked down at Madison

And I love you princess.... I smiled as I kissed her

I was in love

baby .... Kian whispered and I opened my eyes

Yeah ....

Are you going to breastfeed ma'am... the nurse says

Oh um yeah I am ... I said as I sat up

Will you need help ... she says

Yes I think so ... I said and I just unbuttoned the side of the hospital gown and I pulled it down I carried Madison and the nurse literally had to hold my boob so Madison could actually drink milk

She will pull away when she's done I will check in in a few minutes okay ... the nurse says and I nodded she walked out and Kian looked at me

Look at you ... he says making me smile

Look at us we are parents Kian ....

I'm an actual daddy now ... he says and I chuckled

A great one too ... I smiled and then looked down

I was scared annika ... he says and I looked back at him

I was too Kian ....

you know I need you annika ... he says

You make many mistakes but you fix them Kian I know you would tske care of her ....

I can't do it alone ... he Says

You aren't alone I just waned her to be healthy that's all I cared about .....

Don't ever ever say goodbye to me like that ever again .... he says

I love you okay we are getting married trust me .... and he smiled

I believe you mrs lawley .... he says and pecked me on the lips

hey .... My mom walked in as i was looking at madison through the window

Hey .... I smiled

We are heading out ... My mom says

Yeah annika leaves until saturday so dont worry you can call me ..... I looked at her

I can't believe your a dad ... She says

I can't believe it as well she's perfect mom ....

She is ... My mom says as we looked at Madison

I am absolutely in love with her ....

It's a great feeling .... my mom says and I nodded

It is it just was a bit diffrent I had my baby but my fiancé was dying ....

Well she's alive now How is annika doing did she see her... My mom says

Yes she did she had to feed her she couldn't keep her eyes off of her .... I smiled

Well you should go with her so she won't be alone .... my mom says

Oh she told me that I can be here she said for me to take as many pictures She went back to sleep the nurse said she has to get enough rest ....

I mean she just pushed madison out and she was already weak ... My mom says and i looked down

Do you think dad would me proud i see how happy roger is I remember how happy he was when rio had his first baby ....

Im pretty sure your dad is very proud I'm sure if he was still here he would tell you that you made a beautiful baby .... my mom says and I looked at her

I wish he was actually here though so he can give me some advice I'm scared mom w-what if I'm not ready to be a dad ....

you are a dad already look the first baby is difficult but trust me you will get the hang of it along the way Kian you aren't going to be like every dad in this world everyone is diffrent in their own ways she's your baby girl Kian you raise her how you want but being there for this little girl is all that matters .... My mom says

Thank you mom ....

Yeah no problem.... she smiles as she hugged me

Madison was born on October 8, 2017

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Changes 2 ( sequal to changes Kian lawley fanfic ) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora