"AHH MR MATTHEWS!" A rounded gentleman sang from behind the counter.

Connor laughed "I swear I'm not here that much."

"COME WITH ME. YOUR LADY FRIEND? COME TOO!" He continued waving us around the counter.

I followed Connor who seemed to be at home with the fuss and walked around the counter. His hand flew in front of my face making me flinch, opening my eyes I found he had caught an apron.

"Come on Jerry, treat the lady." Connor replied opening the apron and putting it over my head.

"What are we-" I paused as Connor tied it up and grinned.

"Choose the cups." Connor advised pointing at the decorated icecream cups, some had cow prints on whilst others were coloured.

Picking up a cow one I looked over to him. "Now your spoon."

Hot pink was the only way to go and once I secured it, I looked up to see Connor holding a green one.

"Where do you want us Jerry?" Connor asked making me shuffle down the counter line as the workers processed the orders quickly.


Standing directly behind the display cabinet, I grinned. I had access to all the Ice cream flavours.

"Pick your colour my beautiful lady, then your sauce, topping and wafer. Okay?" Jerry asked holding his rounded tummy.

"Okay." I smiled before looking at Connor.

After a little help from Jerry, I found the strawberries and cream and scooped a little into my pot.

"Oh you are too polite, please." Jerry took the scoop and dolloped another two scoops in making my eyes widen. Hello? Yes, I'm heading for a diabetic coma.

I skipped the sauce and got a few sprinkles before standing to the side waiting for Connor, who had strategically built his pot and decorated it until I was convinced he was trying to remould the Taj Mahal.

"Good grief.." I whispered as he placed his beside mine.

"What? Oh I'll explain." He whispered back before turning to Jerry to settle the bill.

I snagged a table in the corner, away from any children as the last thing I wanted was ice cream slung at my face.

Connor joined the table with his creation and smiled "Time to admit you're wrong?"


"So. Tell me then?" Connor asked eyeing me carefully over the white table awaiting my answer.

"Hmm.. I'm not sure." I replied. "I need some more." Cheekily I look another scoop of his ice-cream and savoured the taste..

"It's nice but its a little too minty for me."

"Too minty?" He repeated.

"Yeah, like an overload of mint for me. You have a real strong taste palate for that." I replied pointing to his pot of ice-cream.

"Yeah you're probably right there.. So uh, I thought I better explain my mountain, especially after seeing yours." He spoke pausing his scoop.

I looked up and waited.

"I used to serve... In Iraq. The whole time I was away, all I wanted was Ice cream, with the weather and conditions over there, it's impossible as you can probably guess."

I nodded.

"I don't come here often but the first time I did, I was in uniform and Jerry has remembered me ever since."

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