“Ellie.” Damon said softly sounding like a little boy.

“Hey, everything is going to be okay.” I said wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him in the last few inches till he was pressed right up against me as his breathing began to become shallow. I forgot all about him being naked and myself only wrapped up in a blanket.

Another crack of thunder sounded through the air causing the lights to go out and Damon to jump and whimper.

“Ellie.” Damon cried out wrapping his arms tightly around my waist.

“Don’t worry, Mum has candles all around the house that we can light.” I said trying to move away to get some matches. Damon just tightened his hold on my waist making it impossible for me to move anywhere. “Damon.” I said.

“Don’t leave me.” He said starting to panic.

“I’m just going to get some matches.” I said in a soothing voice, running my hand down the side of his face as I tried to comfort and reason with him.

“Yeah, okay and I can come with you. Don’t leave me on my own.” He said as thunder cracked again making him whimper yet again as his body began to shake. I felt my heart break as I watched him freak out over a thunderstorm just like a little kid would. The Damon that I was so familiar with was nowhere to be seen at the moment as a side of him that never really made an occurrence reduced him to a regular boy who, like everyone else, had fears. This side of him only made my feelings grow for him which I didn’t need at the moment.

“Okay then.” I said as I drew him in closer to my body before making my way into the kitchen to look for the matches making sure to keep my hold on Damon tight.

Every time a clap of thunder sounded throughout the house, Damon would tighten his hold on my waist letting out little whimpers.

“I can only imagine what you’re thinking.” Damon said in disgust as I found the matches.

“What do you mean?” I asked him, turning around to face him but unable to see his face in the dark.

“I’m an eighteen year old who’s afraid of something stupid like a thunderstorm.” He said, the disgust dripping from each and every word he uttered, all directed at himself. The self-loathing was evident.

“It’s not a stupid fear. Everyone fears something. What about those afraid of the dark? Huh? And you know I’m afraid of spiders, that’s why I always run to you, Dad or Mitchell whenever I see one in my bedroom.” I told him trying to reason with him.

“It’s not the same.” He muttered, drawing me in closer to his body.

“Well I think it is.” I said softly. Even though I knew he heard me, he didn’t acknowledge me.

“Do you think that instead of lighting the candles out here, we could light them in your room? I just want to lay down with you and wait for the storm to pass.” Damon said. I didn’t need light to know that he would be wearing a puppy dog look on his face. My heart pulled at the fact that he wanted to lay in bed with me but it wasn’t for the same reasons I was thinking, he just didn’t want to be alone. I knew that as soon as the storm was over he would leave, maybe look to see if there was any chance of a late night lay which did nothing for the pulling of my heart.

“Sure.” I said, “But I think that we should first get you some pants.” With Damon holding on tightly to my waist, we first made our way into Mitchell’s room where we grabbed some trackies for Damon to put on and then slowly made our way into my room again, Damon making sure that his grip never loosened from me.

As we walked into my room, Damon pulled me straight over to my bed, pulling me down with him as he made himself comfortable in my bed.

“Damon, I need to light the candles so that we can see.” I said as I moved myself out of his arms only to have them wrap around my waist as I leant over to light the candles on my desk.

I supressed a sigh. I wonder if Damon has any idea of what he is doing to me and my body? I asked myself as I savoured the way that his body pressed and moved against my back as he breathed. I could tell that he was starting to become more in control and calm as his chest movements against my back were in more regular and steady. I loved the way his chest and stomach muscles felt against my back. Like in all the romance books that I had read, it made me feel more feminine.

Damon turned me around so that I was facing him before he started to lower us both to the bed so that we were both lying down, facing each other. Damon wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and brought me as close as physically possible. I couldn’t help but look into his eyes while in this position and I was worried that my feelings for him would be noticeable and readable in my eyes.

The way in which the candlelight reflected in his eyes made him look unbelievable; like someone out of a romance book. It made me feel like we were lovers, lying in each other’s arms before he had to go away and fight whatever evil was trying to keep us apart. Wow Ellie, you sure do read too many romance books.

I could see an unrecognisable emotion playing out in Damon’s eyes but I was unable to figure out what it was exactly. It was one that I had never seen portrayed in his eyes before. Maybe it’s just gratefulness for being with him at the moment while there is a storm. I thought to myself as another clap of thunder made its self-known.

“Thanks for doing this.” Damon whispered.

“It’s fine.” I said as I snuggled myself closer into his body. At least with his mind distracted by the storm he won’t notice me snuggling into his body. I wonder if he would notice if I licked his muscles? I thought to myself before mentally shaking my head to try and remove the image that had just made its way into my head. 

“Do you mind if we go to sleep now?” Damon asked sounding all cute. I just smiled and nodded.

“I guess it was a waste then lighting the candles?” I asked with a slight smile. Damon bit his lip showing that he was sorry though it just served to make him all that more irresistible.

“Sorry.” Damon said with a small smirk. I just shook my head before moving to get up so that I could blow the candles out. Damon’s hands tightened on my waist and a slightly worried expression crossed his face. “Where are you going?” Damon asked in a small voice, like one word would break him. My heart again felt like it was breaking.

“I’m not going anywhere; I’m only going to blow the candles out.” I said in a soft voice, running my hands softly through his hair to calm him down enough to move slightly out of his arms and blow the candles out.

Once the last candle was blown out Damon immediately tugged me back into his grasp which hadn’t let go of me since.

“Night Els.” Damon said softly, pulling me in up against him tightly before sighing.

“Night Damon.” I said softly in reply before snuggling up into his hold, falling asleep to the slight electric tingles running through my body where Damon was holding me. At one point I could have sworn I felt lips against my forehead but I had to be dreaming, there was no way that Damon would be kissing my head.


Okay, so not a side of Damon you were expecting huh?

Let me know what you think,

Brittaney xx

It's Always the Brother's Best Friend (On hold for serious editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang