Chapter eight pt.2

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Lay P.O.V:

After getting my hair done and I am pretty satisfied with results.

 I went to the hotel the party will take place. the hole hotel was already reserved so I am only expecting to find the workers trying to get everything ready because it's 11a.m already.  

but to my surprise I found a REALLY handsome man waiting at the entrance and oh my god I love his silver hair soo beautiful

"Ahm sorry sir but this hotel is reserved for the reveal of d.o's latest books is there anything i can help you with?"    "Ohh I Know young man. But i am a really big fan and I want the first signature so  I am here already Hehe."   "Sorry but the first signature is always for his precious unicorn a.k.a Me *sticks tongue out* maybe another time mister " I smiled brightly   "Omg Yixing Omg you are his son you surely are handsome as he describes you. It's an honor to meet you"

"the honor is mine but can i know your name?"

"my name is----"

Kyungsoo P.O.V:

I am so nervous right now I just hope nothing goes wrong

I am dressing up right now I am wearing all black outfit i can't help it  I love black outfit I put on my watches and some perfume before going out to the hotel because I still have to check if everything is going perfectly

it's 2a.m already  Omg I have to hurry up.

At the entrance of the hotel  I found a good looking man sitting there wearing a suit and.having silver hair wow he surely is handsome  I walked up to him "Hello umm can I help you? this hotel is reserved"

"Omg Omg kyahhhh"

"What? What is it?"    "Oh sorry I am just a really big fan of yours."

he looked at me with so much admiration and adoration that I am.shocked but wait he looks familiar like a LOT "Jongin?"    "Yes soo Hyung it's me. Wow you actually remembered"

"How can I forget about you! You are like the best bestie i ever had. Omg you are grown up now look at you. you are taller than me unfair *pouts*"   "I see you are still the cutest person ever" I felt my face heated when he said that so i lightly punched his shoulder "shut up. Let's go inside"

he just chuckled "Let's go Hyung"

fast forward~

still D.O P.O.V:

Omg it's about to start I am nervous what if nobody came what if they don't like the book Omg I should calm down I just hope nothing goes wrong

1.2.3 oh boy here we go

Just as the doors got opened I saw that actually a lot of people were waiting Wow this is amazing

I waited for everyone to settle down and took the microphone "Hello everyone thank you so much for coming today i hope you will have a great time enjoy~~"   I was waiting for Yixing to come to start the event but he is nowhere to be seen  and where is Jongin and Jackson  Omg where are they?!!

just as I was about to grab the microphone again someone popped in my face i was so startled and OMG I wanted to scream so badly "YIXING WHEN DID YOU DYE YOUR HAIR???" everyone started laughing oh well "OMG you look so handsome"   "Hehe thank you mommy now tell me where is my book?"   "Here." I took a book beside me and signed it writing some encouraging words for him "Now now don't dye your hair without telling me. You could've gotten kiddnaped because you look so cute but I gotta admit you look so sexy with blonde hair. Now go eat or talk i don't care go~" 

After Yixing go his signed book Jongin came to get his "Sorry you can't take the first signed book hehe"  "It's okey hyung ^^. Oh btw here this is for you to donate"  he gave me a signed check I looked at it it was a freaking 1 million dollar "That's a lot jongin don't you think??"        "Nope just take it. Your books are worth spending million of dollars on" 

"Awhhh I am so touched thank you so much now go and enjoy the party you can also talk with Yixing you will surely like him"    "Thank you hyung and I already love him very much." He smiled brightly and waved at me and went down the stage to talk with Yixing i guess because he directly went in his direction. 

And so I continued signing the books and talking with everyone. They were so generous and actually donated a lot of money. 

But suddenly the light went out and ........... 


hi everyone hope you are good here's a short chapter 

I am sorry  because I couldn't update on Wednesday I had no connection TT 

hope you'll like it Thank you so much for the comments it really makes me feel good no matter what

Love yourself and take care ^^

I love you all~

unicorn out~~

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