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Do men around you read novels?

Or do they have this believe that stories are only for girls?

Do you share your favourite stories with them? Do they like listening to it or do they hiss and say ' you girls will forever remain in the fantasy world... life isn't a bollywood movie'  lol.

How many amazing Men are reading my story. Please do comment let me acknowledge you.

Encourage your brother, uncles, husbands, friends, boyfriends to read books ..... they don't have to be manic about it they just have to enjoy it, like it and learn from it.

Like, I like to write but it's hard to find a man who understands the joy of it 😕😒😒  in real life atleast lol. I have found alot though on insta and twitter.

Here is the chapter I promised.

Enjoy dearies... 😙😙😙

Chapter 29

She made the list Abdulmajeed requested and sent it to him before salatul Zuhr. After praying, she called her sister.

"Ekarun. E kushe." She greeted her in Yoruba.

Adda Sajida laughed. "Dan Bayarabe ya koya miki yaren su kenan? (I see the Yoruba man has taught you their language) "

"My Yoruba man." She corrected.

"Inyee. My Yoruba man koh? Who was acting all depressed and crying like a baby when she married that Yoruba man."

"That was me from the past. The girl that cries about everything. " she grunted. 

"See her mouth." Sajida hissed. "Noi dai? Noi kano noi sare? Ondon jam? Mi lari a jamo da a don welwita. (How are you ? How's kano and home? Are you all fine? Anyways you seem fine and happy.) "

"Jam ko dume Adda am. Mi nyalwi ma.  Bo  gonga mi weli  (Everything is fine. I miss you and yes I am very happy.)"

That was how they talked for almost one hour. They spoke about everything and everyone. They nagged a little about their husbands and laughed. Adda Sajida being the responsible older sister, gave her sister random advices.

"Oh Adda please how do you make that Shepherd's pie ma?" Hida asked before they dropped the call.

"See this girl. Weren't you the one thay taught me?"

"Wallahi I haven't done it in a while. I want to do it using sweet potato.......... Majeed likes sweet potatoes" She added.

"Inyeeeee. For hubby koh?" Adda Sajida teased.

"Adda!!" Hida whinned.

"Why not do fisherman's pie?"

"How do you do that?"

"Cook your sweet potatoes and mash it. Keep aside. Slice your onions and simmer it in a frying pan with little oil. Add fish of your choice, and ofcourse not the fish as a whole.. I know you Hida you kinda like pieces it you grab ai. Add chill ginger and whatever seasoning you like in the pan and let it simmer don't add water oo let it come from the food. Get a baking pan that would contain your the whole thing. Divide the mashed sweet potatoes into two. Layer the first one in the pan then adding the fish filling then cover it with another layer of sweet potato  you can ganish with shrimps. Then put it in preheated oven for about maybe 20 minutes and your fisherman's pie is ready and done." Adda Sajida explained.

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