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Da fatan na same ku a acikin koshin lafiya.
Allah yayi muku albarka..
A yi karatu lafiya.


Chapter 27:

The four men stood admiring the table. And they haven't even seen the food yet.
"Wow. Beautiful. It almost seem impossible to believe that Waheeda did this." Muhsin commented on seeing the beautifully arranged dinning table.

"Right? It looks like a hotel or something exotic." Abdulmajeed agreed.

"Didn't you say you were going to be late?" Waheeda glared at Majeed.

"Can't you see I was late. I just came back. After magrib." He grinned.
"Then go back." She whispered to him.
"Bismillah gentlemen. Lets eat " he ignored her.

The kitchen door swang open and Habiba and Haneefa appeared holding their trays of food.

"Good evening " They greeted and walked to the guest room.

"Evening." The men answered.

"So Habiba and Haneefa are here. No wonder." Muhsin commented.

"No wonder what?" Waheeda asked him.

"No wonder this place looks like a hotel with chef Haneefa's exclusive dishes." He grinned.

"Who invited this person again?" She grunted.

"That should be you." He replied.

"I don't remember. You invited yourself." Majeed poked in. "Let my wife be before I seize your food."

"Aye aye captain Muciya." Muhsin teasing saluted.

"Are they your sisters?" One of Muhsin's friend, Mubarak asked.

"Yes they are."

"Masha Allah." He complimented.

"Focus on the food boys." The over protective brother in law warned.

Waheeda excused herself as she was even tired of pretending to not think of what Muhsin knows or doesn't know and how he sees her. She wish she could read his mind. Again she wondered if he had told his brother and that thought almost made her heart burst. Mummy was right. Sometimes not knowing is better.
She tried to put it at the back of her thoughts and enjoy her iftar with her sisters.

They broke their fast with delicious dishes and thankful hearts. Chatting about randoms things and advicing one another. They moved from the dinning to the sitting room and after praying Isha Abdulmajeed switched the TV to NTA.
It has become an automatic impulse to him. No matter what he intends to watch he always switch to NTA first.

'Senetor Abubakar Sulieman, Senetor Mahmuda together with governor Sani Lukman Sokoto, are on the mission to visit ten orphanages and ten refugee camps across northern part of Nigeria.'

"Hmmm. For the media ofcourse. Politics can't go on break even during Ramadan. Allahu akbar. " commented Mubarak.

"Birds of the same feather flock together. They will steal our money then pretend to be good and do favours for us with OUR money" The other friend, Gaddafi began.

Abdulmajeed changed the channel.
"Sorry Please can you put it back? I'm interested in what the poor innocent people will say."

"Gaddafi is always like this when it comes to politics thats why I never discuss it with him. He goes over." Muhsin tried to explain so Abdulmajeed won't feel too bad. "Gaddafi whether its for the media or fisabilillahi it's actually good for the people cause they benefit from it. Especially in this month. They need it."

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