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Chapter 24

Hey guys. Happy end of July.

Here is a really long chapter that I spent a month writing. Lol. Hope it's worth the wait and the time.



Anty has five children, four are boys and only one daughter, Basma. Sagir then Basma, Ahmad, Mubashir and Abdulrahman who is the baby of the house. Anty is a secondary school teacher and Alhaji Othman's second wife. She is fun and lively and she is the most strict among the three wives. All the kids feared her, even more than they fear their father.

Mama wasn't strict or harsh but for some reason the kids feared her. They don't even do stupid things before her. she had three children since she married Alhaji Othman as the third wife. Sauda, Mujahid and Bilkisu with Abdulmajeed being their maternal half brother. Mama is an accountant. She started working after her divorce with Abdul's father and have been reaching for greater height since then.

Umma, a housewife and business woman, is the first wife and the oldest of Alhaji Othman's wife. She is the mother to three girls and four boys, namely in order of birth Sabir, Muhsin, Abdulrahim, Yasmeen, Ismail, Sadiqa and Bilkisu. Sabir is 30 and married with a child while the youngest is 10 years old.

During the week she's been with them, Waheeda had learnt alot of things from her mothers in law and she had studied every individual in the house. Though she confuses between Mujahid and Mubashir she knows Mujahid had a smile like that of his brother Abdulmajeed and Mubashir hates any form of swallows (tuwo). The stay wasn't bad after all. As for Abdulmajeed, they greet every morning and night over the phone.

It was friday and all the guys have gone out for Jumaat salat including some of the girls. Only Sauda, Yasmeen, Waheeda and the mothers were around. Bored to death, Waheeda decided to take a walk around the house. She had never been anywhere near the BQ so she carefully walked towards there. She was afraid she might come across one of the brothers or their friends or even worse Muhsin.

She was curious about Majeed's room so she sneaked towards the BQ quietly. Unknown to her, someone was also sneaking behind her. As she made to open the door, the person attacked her covered her mouth and put a mask over her face but unlike his, hers has no holes for eyes and nose. She fought the attacker but he was too strong for her, she tried to scream but his hand was over her mouth so the sounds she made were muffled. She bit his hand and he groaned in pain but he didn't remove his hand from her mouth. He dragged her to the room.

All she could do was recite every dua that came to her mind though she didn't give up fighting. He tied her hand with a rope as he let go off her mouth.
He could now hear the duas she was chanting. She even said the supplication for entering the bathroom which made the kidnapper chuckle.

"Fear Allah" she warned him. "What are you planning? Do you have a sister or a daughter? Are you married? Am sure you have a mother or had, no one fell from the sky. Think of them in my position. How would you feel.. how do you think they will feel? You won't get any thing from me. My family isn't rich. If you ask my dad for ransom he might just tell you to keep me. So please just let me go. Don't try anything with me. Am married and my husband won't take it lightly. Do you know what he does for a living? You wouldn't want to face him. You might lose your head if he gets you. He's very strong and he wouldn't stand it if you ever lay a hand on me. I can beg him to forgive you if you stop here. If you don't let me go my mother can haunt you down wherever you hide wallahi. Don't try her. My father is very hot tempered. He won't give you a single kobo and he will kill you without hesistating. Don't even get him started. Do you know how many brothers I have. Do you know how many brothers in law I have?But just let me go. Please let me go. Please." She just couldn't shutup. She went from negotiating with him to being scared as hell but she was trying to hide that fact. She didn't know what to do. Her hands were tied behind her, her face is covered she could barely breathe. He was busy arranging some stuffs as he listened to her. She made him chuckle a couple of times.

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