6. No Longer a Newbie

Depuis le début

They all make sounds of agreement, and I nod and head back towards the bar, feeling their eyes on me again.  I'm actually surprised that I remember all their orders, but these guys have come in every day I've been working so far, sometimes more than once. Their order is simple. Mikes hard lemonade for 5, the other three ordering a root beer, Pepsi, and sweet tea.

"Okay, I'll be back in a jiffy." I pass Erin on the way to the kitchen, and she raises her eyebrows as she sees where I just came from. "Shut up and let the family from 5 pay." I mutter to her as I notice people standing at the front desk.

I make a quick work gathering other orders from tables, and grab 5 Mikes' from the fridge. I pile them, and the other soft drinks on two trays and as I'm about to make my way back to the big table in the lounge that always holds them, Erin stops me and unbuttons a button. I roll my eyes and continue on my way. "Okay boys, I'm back. Mikes' for John, Carson, Tyler, Dave, and Steel. Root Beer for Seth, Pepsi for Scott, and sweet tea for...aw shit. Don't remind me! Knuckles...knuck- Craig!"

"Right. Not bad for third day on the job. Erin couldn't figure out our names for a few weeks when we first came here." He chuckles.

"It makes it harder when y'all have two each." I chuckle quietly. 

"Awe, shit. I remember that, Scar." Dave says to John, whose nickname is Scar. Probably for the many scars he has all over his arms and face. "You were such a pussy back then."

The other boys laugh. "Yeah. And you had a thing for Erin but was too scared to tell her." Carson adds.

"Dude. She was fucking like, 16 years old." He grumbles defensively.

"Yeah, but you were 21. Not legal, but not weird." Scott snorts.

"Oh shit! Remember her boyfriend? He dumped her then stalked her down and tried to kill her." Seth reminds. "Weren't you the one that offed him, Scar?"

"I wish. Naw, I approached him and told him to leave her the fuck alone, then when he refused, beat the shit outta him." Scar rubs his forehead. "Yeah, sure he went to the hospital, but he got out fine, and then threatened her again."

"Yeah. Then he died. Remember?" Dave pipes up. "Didn't he have a mysterious heart attack or somethin?"

"Yeah. I fucking rode to his house to have a talk with him, and as soon as I got off my bike and took off my helmet he fucking collapsed. Didn't even get to do it. Some heart defect, I think."

Alright. interesting things I'm learning from these guys. "That sucks." I cringe.

Steel, the closest one to me looks startled, as if he forgot I was still here. "Yeah, I remember that. Gut, you were a big pussy too. You only had, like 2 tats." He says to Dave.

"Right!" Craig perks up. "Then there's Thorn, who still only has a few."

The boys all laugh, and Tyler-Thorn- flushes. "Whatever guys. JT only has, like, 6." He adds.

"Yeah. But JT is the boss, so we can't bug him the same." Steel says.

"Don't worry Tyler. They just pick on you because they know that you're way sexier, and could take any of em' any day." It's totally true. He's so muscular that it's almost  excessive, and has dark brown eyes, dark hair, and lightly tanned skin that I'm sure means he's part latino or something.

A chorus of 'oohhh's' go around.

"Damn, Thorn. Hit that!" Steel chants.

I swat him over the head as the boys laugh again. "You gotta find yourself a lady, Steel. Maybe then you'll learn something 'bout respect."

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