"Someone has had too much Fifty Shades of Grey. You're not Christian, A-l-o-n-z-o. That's the thing he does in the book." She exclaimed.

He rubbed his chin as he thought about it "I'm not so sure you're right about that Katrina."

She could tell by the glint in his eyes that he was in a playful mood today. She only had a second to react before Alonzo pounced on her. She was almost to the door, when she tripped over an imaginary lump in the middle of the floor. Alonzo quickly caught her and held her up so she wouldn't fall "that's enough playing for today. You're bigger now Katrina, you must not move so fast." He said as he let her go to run his finger through his hair "the fault was my own, I shouldn't have started it."

Katrina furrowed her eyebrows as she watched his mood change from spirited to serious. She sighed, as always he was right, she could barely see her feet without bending. It was just at playful times such as this, she forgot that she was pregnant.

Their relationship had changed so drastically that it had her wondering what happened. Now he wasn't going around confessing his love for her, and she really wasn't expecting him to either. One day he came storming in their room looking for Gabe, she had seen a different side to him then, a glimpse of a deadly side.

He'd come looking for Gabe, but when his eyes landing on her, he stared into her eyes as if he was peering into her soul. She sat frozen in the bed, with the remote in her hand, gazing back at him and completely forgetting that Gabe was in the room. When he walked towards her side of the bed, Katrina wanted to get up and run for her life but his deadly glare had an unsolicited hold on her body.

For as long as she lived, she would never forget the words he whispered to her that day. He stepped as close to her as he could and grabbed ahold of her head, tugging so that she was looking directly in his burning grey eyes. "I will never let any harm come to you or our child, if someone was to dare harm you I will kill them. Do you hear me? Io li ucciderli Katrina!"  ( I will kill them Katrina!)

Any normal husband would think the same when it came to his wife, but to hear it come from Alonzo in such a deadly voice frightened her. He wanted her to know that he was dangerous, and she believed him. He left her alone for the remainder of that day. Later on in the evening when she saw him again, it was as if nothing had ever happened. Had he blacked out what he said to her? Did her husband have black outs? Nevertheless, he never talked about that day, but he didn't have to for her to know that it had happened.

"Katrina, are you fine? You're just standing there glaring at your stomach." Alonzo's question brought her back to the present.

Katrina nodded her head with a small smile, and then frowned. Alonzo hadn't been hiding anything big from her and since he was being honest most of the time, she wanted to know about his relationship with Marissa. She knew that if you went digging for information you would find things you didn't want to find, but she had to know before it ate at her.

She stood straighter and put her hands on her protruding hips getting into her serious stance. Alonzo looked at her with an arch eyebrow in a small smirk. Dammit, she wanted to look serious right now, this stance would've worked better if she wasn't showing so much.

She squared her shoulders "there is something I want to know and since you've been so open, I don't think me asking this should bother you." She watched as his face became serious and he gazed at her questioningly. "I want to know about your relationship with Marissa." She said evenly.

His eyes widened and he ran his hand through his hair. "Mio Dio Katrina why?"

Now it was her turn to look at him as if he had gone crazy "because I want to know. Actually, I have every right to know." She responded.

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